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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
民國69年,在國科會研究費資助下,曾經對師大學生歷年 (47年-67 年)心理衛生輔導個案799人進行分析 (吳、李,1980),結果確認心理衛生服務 不能只靠傳統模式,應該加強多樣化、可親性及可及性,乃有同輩輔導的產生。 民國71年,師大同輩輔導風氣逐漸展開,遂欲探討領導者的資格與經驗對輔導 效果之影響,乃再獲國科會研究費之資助,對入學新生進行八個成長團體的實驗 研究。主要內容是比較不同資歷的領導者所帶領的大學生成長團體之效果 (吳、 陳、李,1987)。結果發現,沒有領導者的團體很快就瓦解,老師組和同輩組的 固體動力和團體結果都不如助教組的效果好。所謂助教組是指導者的年紀與學生 相差不大,且具有基本專業訓練。這個發現引導師大校園團體輔導又進入一個新 的模式,於民國75年開始一系列名為 "創作坊"的成長團社活動,包括 "心理劇。 困體、"肢體發展。團體、"藝術治療"團體、"身心整合"團體、"壓力調適"團體及 "會心團體"等。
The students of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) who hadused the school mental health service-'individual counseling'-from 1958 to1978, were studied & analyzed (N=779) (Wu & Lee, 1980). The results ofthis research, which was sponsored by National Science Institute (NSI), enhanced the conception that mental health services should not be confinedwithin the traditional model. Instead, the flexibility and accessabilityshould be expanded. Peer counseling was developed under such circumstances. In order to explore the influence of leadeer's qualification andexperience on group counseling, NTNU established 8 growth groups forfreshmen in 1982. This research project was also sponsored by NSI (Wu,Chen & Lee, 1987). The conclusion was made that groups without leaderscollapsed very soon; groups led by big brothers & sisters showed bettergroup dynamics and results than groups led by taschers and peers. Theleaders of so-called "big brothers & sisters groups" are those who acquirebasic professional training and are a little bit older than group meme bers. This discovery guided the campus group counseling into a new model.NTNU began a series of growth group activities called "Creation Workshop", including psychorama, body exploration, art therapy, body & mind integration, stress management and encounter groups. Although there were alot of students who registered in these groups every semester, only one third of them were admitted on the average. In order to evaluate & construct the future plan by making sure who are reached by school mentalhealth services, the researcher is going to collect the data of students whoregistered in Creation Workshop (N=396) and those who had individualcounseling (N=193) from 1989 to 1991. The data collected are to be compared with the data of students who never used the mental health servicesin NTNU health center. The variables of this research contain sex, age,department, class, leadership, reward & penalty rsceived, MPI (MaudsleyPersonality I
The students of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) who hadused the school mental health service-'individual counseling'-from 1958 to1978, were studied & analyzed (N=779) (Wu & Lee, 1980). The results ofthis research, which was sponsored by National Science Institute (NSI), enhanced the conception that mental health services should not be confinedwithin the traditional model. Instead, the flexibility and accessabilityshould be expanded. Peer counseling was developed under such circumstances. In order to explore the influence of leadeer's qualification andexperience on group counseling, NTNU established 8 growth groups forfreshmen in 1982. This research project was also sponsored by NSI (Wu,Chen & Lee, 1987). The conclusion was made that groups without leaderscollapsed very soon; groups led by big brothers & sisters showed bettergroup dynamics and results than groups led by taschers and peers. Theleaders of so-called "big brothers & sisters groups" are those who acquirebasic professional training and are a little bit older than group meme bers. This discovery guided the campus group counseling into a new model.NTNU began a series of growth group activities called "Creation Workshop", including psychorama, body exploration, art therapy, body & mind integration, stress management and encounter groups. Although there were alot of students who registered in these groups every semester, only one third of them were admitted on the average. In order to evaluate & construct the future plan by making sure who are reached by school mentalhealth services, the researcher is going to collect the data of students whoregistered in Creation Workshop (N=396) and those who had individualcounseling (N=193) from 1989 to 1991. The data collected are to be compared with the data of students who never used the mental health servicesin NTNU health center. The variables of this research contain sex, age,department, class, leadership, reward & penalty rsceived, MPI (MaudsleyPersonality I