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西方國家於十九世紀末的不安社會中,對於理性主義不再信奉,反之重視心靈層面的主觀感受,而「頹廢主義」便由此生根。日本在大正年間,受到西方文學的感染,文學創作上成立了頹廢唯美派,以及後期受到關東大地震影響的「新感覺派」,兩者前後與西方的頹廢主義一同影響至中國。中國在五四年間成立的「創造社」受到頹廢派的影響最具代表性,而在三十年代,「上海新感覺派」的成立,也將頹廢主義精神發揮的淋漓盡致。近代台灣小說中,有許多性別跨界與女權重整的議題,都是在頹廢主義精神的延續下而衍生的時代產物。 頹廢文學主張不斷創新與批判過去,並且為各時代、各種文化遭受壓抑的情緒發聲,而富有著現代性與獨特的文學特性,尤其在價值觀充斥著表面的偽善時代,更提醒人類檢視自我心靈,用醜陋、真實淨化社會。本研究試圖將頹廢文學內容視覺化,以海報設計為案例,透過圖像的刺激傳達文學所要表現的意涵,以達到頹廢主義的精神與目的。研究過程中,本研究將各時期的頹廢文學彙整,分析出其創作特性和哲學思維。秉持著哲學思維,從頹廢文學裡擷取出符合創作特性的詞彙,與海報主題的聯想詞彙相互刺激,並進行圖像的習作演練,最後再由一主題的圖像融合作為縱向思考的素材,進而完成作品。 這次頹廢文學圖像化的實驗中,筆者透過海報的平面構成營造出頹廢文學的氛圍,圖形符號就如文學中的文字詞彙,貼切適合的符號具便能深刻傳達出影響力極大的符號義。引起觀者痛感與心靈共鳴的視覺設計,與頹廢文學的感染力也是相當的。
In the end of 19th century, people no longer believed in realism; instead, people start to pursue their spiritual feeling. The decadent therefore became the product under this turbulent society. In the 1910s of Japan, literary creation trended to be decadent and aesthetic due to the impact of western literature. After that, Kanto Earthquake stimulating the occurrence of new sensation school. Since then decadent aestheticism and new sensation school together brought unusual impacts towards China, and Creation society, established in the May Fourth, was the most representative club influenced by the decadent; besides Shanghai new sensation school was also founded in the 1930s of China, fully performed the intrinsic thoughts of the decadent. There were many topics of cross gender and sexuality and feminism can be read retrospectively in the contemporary Taiwanese novel as a derivative of the decadent. The decadence literature is an idea that keeps on creating and criticizing the pass, and can be defined as an emotional expression of suppressed people, enriching of modernity and unique style; it also reminds people to introspect themselves and make this society better by reflecting the reality of lives especially in this canting world. This research takes poster design as a medium to visualize the decadence literature, spreading the central spirit of this kind of literature by image. This research integrated the decadence literature from different ages, analyzing their characteristics and philosophic thoughts. Moreover, these characteristics were further used as creating ideas, associating with the topics of posters; the idea-image combination was formed as the final piece. In this experiment of the decadence literature visualizing, the author tried to construct the atmosphere of decadence literatures by using the poster compositions. The images just like the vocabularies of the literature. The appropriate signifier can express the signified deeply with the enormous influence. Therefore, the affect of visualized designs that can make the viewer feel painful and resonated are equal to the decadence literature.



頹廢派, 唯美頹廢主義, 新感覺派, 創造社





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