
dc.contributorYu Chienen_US
dc.contributorYu Chin-Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorChiang, Jiann-Chyien_US
dc.description.abstract我國當前金融業在歷經新銀行過度開放、加入WTO、金控法的實施及政府金改政策的引領下,面臨日趨劇烈的競爭環境,因此金融業者,特別是金控公司無不設法透過購併或內部組織改造來擴大規模,提高競爭力。 本研究目的主要在探討當金控公司進行組織變革,依照「客戶導向」改採事業群模式運作時,其下各子公司人力資源部門配合進行整併及轉型之動機、目的、定位及歷程,並瞭解人資人員應具有之能力,進而探討人力資源部門整併及轉型關鍵成功因素。研究方法採質性的個案研究法,以訪談方式進行個案資料蒐集,訪談對象為業界人資專家、個案公司事業群高階主管及人資部門之主管及同仁共8位受訪者。並根據研究主題將訪談資料整理與分析,獲致以下的發現: 一、當個案公司面對日趨劇烈的競爭環境進行組織改造後,人力資源部門亦配合聘請外部專業人資經理人,藉由其不同的經驗來進行人資部門的變革,以建構一個具有共同制度、流程的平台,進而能產生整併綜效的新組織。 二、人力資源部門在充分融入「客戶導向」、「專業導向」及「效率導向」的概念,並依循公司策略設計出能夠提高及發揮人資功能的前、後台分工的組織,將人資部門分為事業服務、專案規劃、海外事業、人資行政及訓練發展五個部門,各司其職。 三、個案公司人力資源部門歷經整併及轉型後,人力資源人員應具備的能力,歸納有對薪酬的管理能力、法令解析及了解能力、具前瞻性的規劃能力、執行力、改善流程的能力、專案執行及管理的能力、掌握市場動態與趨勢的能力、可以獨當一面甚至擔任顧問角色的能力、溝通與協調的能力、外語能力、策略性思考的能力、了解服務產業特性及分析市場訊息的能力等12項;而整併及轉型關鍵成功因素則為溝通及協調、人資人員的共識、高階主管的支持與堅定決心、流程的改造及系統的支持及執行力5項。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNowadays, financial industry is facing challenges due to excessive opening of banks, join of WTO, practice of financial holding laws, and the government's financial revolution policy. In order to survive in such a challenging and competitive environment, financial industry merchants, especially financial holding companies, must try to expand the size of their company and increase core competence through amalgamation or internal organization change. The main purpose of this research is to discuss the motivation, the purpose, the position, and the process of each subsidiary human resources department for being willing to amalgamate and transformation when financial holding company is going through organization change by operating as a business group. In addition, this research discusses what skills and knowledge human resources personnel should possess in order to find out the factors leading to the success of amalgamation and transformation of human resources departments. By conducting qualitative research, case studies and interviews were initiated to collect data. The object population of interviews with eight participants, including industrial human resources experts, superintendent of individual business group, and human resources managers and personnel. After analyzing the information, the following conclusions can be concluded: 1.When companies are going through organization changes in competitive environment, they are willing to outsource human resources specialists to build an effective common system and flow platform by utilizing their different experience. 2.Based on the concept of「customer centric」,「 professional centric」, and「efficiency centric」 , human resources department is divided into frontline and backoffice and is further divided into 5 departments: BG Service Department, Corporate Project Department、Overseas Operation Department、HR Administration Department, and Training and Development Department, with each performing its own function. 3.After amalgamation and reforming, human resources personnel should possess the following 12 abilities: salary management ability, law analysis and understanding ability, planning ability, execution ability, flow improvement ability, proposal execution and management ability, ability to observe market tendency, ability to perform independently and play the consultant role, coordination and communication ability, foreign language ability, strategical thinking ability, understanding service industry characteristics and analyze market information ability. In addition, the critical success factors for amalgamation and reforming are: communication and coordination, common views, support from top management and confidence, changes of flow and system support, and execution.en_US
dc.subjectorganization changeen_US
dc.subjectorganization transformationen_US
dc.subjectcritical success factorsen_US
dc.titleThe study of critical success factors for the transition in human resource departments of different subsidiaries in financial holding companyen_US

