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本論文以中國的笙類樂器為探討對象,由於目前尚無笙類樂器在中國分布的總體性研究,因此笙類樂器形制的地域之別,以及其在漢與非漢文化圈下的差異,成為本研究的重點,而這其中,又特別著重笙嘴形制的差異,以及其與笙斗和笙管間的關係。笙在傳統上屬於匏類樂器,因使用葫蘆製作,所以又有匏之稱。樂器形制上,主要由「笙斗」、「笙嘴」、「笙管」、「簧片」四個部分組成。最初形貌,可追溯至殷商甲骨文的 「竽」字。經由古文獻的蒐集與統整後可見,笙類樂器幾乎遍及現今中國31個省市自治區,並有22種稱謂。笙類稱謂中屬於漢文化圈的笙類稱謂有:笙、笙簧、匏笙、巢、和、巢笙、大笙、和笙、鹿、鳳笙、鳳翼笙、雲和笙、紫竹笙、竹笙,主要分布於中國的吉林、遼寧、黑龍江、北京、天津、湖北、湖南、河南、河北、山西、山東、陝西、浙江、江蘇、上海市、福建、江西、甘肅、青海、寧夏、內蒙古、安徽、四川、重慶市、廣東、廣西、雲南、貴州;屬於非漢文化圈的笙類稱謂有:六管笙、蘆笙(或寫成盧笙或籚笙)、瓢笙、胡盧笙(或寫成葫蘆笙)、竹筒笙,主要分布於中國的湖南、湖北、新疆、西藏、雲南、貴州、海南、湖南、安徽、四川(重慶市)、廣東、廣西。其中湖北、湖南、雲南、貴州、安徽、四川(重慶市)、廣東、廣西8個省份,同時擁有了漢文化圈與非漢文化圈笙類稱謂的地區。
本論文對笙類樂器從上古至清代的歷史文獻以及圖像進行了梳理,為笙類樂器形制與稱謂的歷史變化做一探討,並對於笙類樂器在中國分布進行了整理,提供清代及其之前漢與非漢文化圈中,笙類樂器的差異比較。當今,以本位視角(emic perspective)對於非漢文化圈笙類樂器的研究越見增多,期待本研究能提供之後對於民國以來,中國笙類樂器研究之歷史脈絡追尋,與漢及非漢文化圈對於笙類樂器描述的變化考證之可能性。關鍵字:笙類樂器、笙斗、笙嘴、漢與非漢
This study focuses on the Chinese mouth organ: Sheng. Emphasis is made on the variety of the instrument due to geographical and cultural factors, and to a lack of studies based on this instrument overall in China. Furthermore, the form of Sheng mouthpieces, including the differences within itself, and its connection with the Sheng’s wind-chest and pipes are closely examined.In traditional Chinese musical instrument classification, Sheng, also known as Pao, falls into the category of the Gourd. Sheng is composed of four main parts: wind-chest, mouthpiece, pipes and reed. Its first appearance may be traced back to the oracle bone script"竽" of Yin and Shang periods. According to the collection and integration of ancient documents, it appears that Sheng can be seen throughout the 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of China today, with 22 distinct titles. Among the titles derived from Han cultural circle, there are Sheng, Shenghuang, Pao Sheng, Chao, He, Chao Sheng, Da Sheng, He Sheng, Lu, Feng Sheng, Feng Yi Sheng, Yun He Sheng, Zi Zhu Sheng, and Zhu Sheng, which are mainly found in Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Beijing, Tianjin, Hubei, Hunan, Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu (Shanghai), Fujian, Jiangxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Nei Mongol, Anhui, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, and Guizhou in China. On the other hand, those titles of non-Han cultural circle such as Liu Guan sheng, Lusheng, Piao Sheng, Hu Lu Sheng and Zhu Tong Sheng, mainly prevailed in Hunan, Hubei, Xinjiang, Tibet, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hainan, Hunan, Anhui, Sichuan (Chongqing), Guangdong, and Guangxi in China. Among the aforementioned provinces, cities and autonomous regions, Hubei, Hunan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Anhui, Sichuan (Chongqing), Guangdong and Guangxi have both the Sheng titles of Han cultural circle and non-Han cultural circle.After measurements and statistics the Sheng mouthpiece and wind-chest in the Han and non-Han cultural circles, the length, thickness, curvature and angle of the Sheng mouthpiece in the Han culture circle vary with the dynasty; whereas the Sheng wind-chest does not change. There is a fixed relationship between the thickness and the curvature of Sheng mouthpiece. The thick Sheng mouthpiece is straight, whilst the thin one curved. In addition, the thickness and the curvature are also consistent in the division of dynasties. From the Zhou Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty, there were mainly thick and straight Sheng mouthpieces. When the Tang Dynasty, the thin and curved Sheng mouthpiece first appeared and coexisted with the thick and straight Sheng mouthpiece. From the Five Dynasties to the Yuan Dynasty, there were only thin and curved Sheng mouthpieces. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the second stage of thin and curved, thick and straight Sheng mouthpiece coexist.The Sheng mouthpiece, wind-chest, and pipes in the non-Han culture circle are interrelated. Particularly, by analyzing Sheng of non-Han culture circle, the wind-chest is distinguished as round and long. The link of types of wind-chest, length, thickness, curvature and angle of the mouthpiece are established. Exceptionally, Sheng of Province Sichuan and Guizhou can be categorized in one group. Apart from the long Sheng wind-chest, there are mainly long, thin and straight mouthpieces, There are 3 to 5 pipes in the Sheng, too. Besides, Sheng in Yunnan Province is in another category. The round wind-chest and curved mouthpiece are not found in other provinces. Moreover, there are 6 to 8 pipes of the Sheng which differ from those in Province Sichuan and Guizhou. The only similar nature of the Sheng in Yunnan and those in Sichuan and Guizhou is the shape of the thin Sheng mouthpieces.This study summarizes the historical documents and images of Sheng from ancient times to the Qing Dynasty, discussed the historical changes of types and titles of Sheng, and analyzed the distribution of Sheng in China to provide a comparison of the differences between Sheng in the Han and non-Han cultural circles in and before the Qing Dynasty. Nowadays, there are more and more studies on Sheng in non-Han cultural circles from the Emic perspective. It is expected that this study could provide a possibility to pursue the historical context of Chinese Sheng after the Republic of China ,and to verify a change of the description of Sheng in the Han and non-Han cultural circles.Keywords:Chinese Mouth Organ, Sheng, Sheng wind-chest, Sheng mouthpiece, Han and non-Han
This study focuses on the Chinese mouth organ: Sheng. Emphasis is made on the variety of the instrument due to geographical and cultural factors, and to a lack of studies based on this instrument overall in China. Furthermore, the form of Sheng mouthpieces, including the differences within itself, and its connection with the Sheng’s wind-chest and pipes are closely examined.In traditional Chinese musical instrument classification, Sheng, also known as Pao, falls into the category of the Gourd. Sheng is composed of four main parts: wind-chest, mouthpiece, pipes and reed. Its first appearance may be traced back to the oracle bone script"竽" of Yin and Shang periods. According to the collection and integration of ancient documents, it appears that Sheng can be seen throughout the 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of China today, with 22 distinct titles. Among the titles derived from Han cultural circle, there are Sheng, Shenghuang, Pao Sheng, Chao, He, Chao Sheng, Da Sheng, He Sheng, Lu, Feng Sheng, Feng Yi Sheng, Yun He Sheng, Zi Zhu Sheng, and Zhu Sheng, which are mainly found in Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Beijing, Tianjin, Hubei, Hunan, Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu (Shanghai), Fujian, Jiangxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Nei Mongol, Anhui, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, and Guizhou in China. On the other hand, those titles of non-Han cultural circle such as Liu Guan sheng, Lusheng, Piao Sheng, Hu Lu Sheng and Zhu Tong Sheng, mainly prevailed in Hunan, Hubei, Xinjiang, Tibet, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hainan, Hunan, Anhui, Sichuan (Chongqing), Guangdong, and Guangxi in China. Among the aforementioned provinces, cities and autonomous regions, Hubei, Hunan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Anhui, Sichuan (Chongqing), Guangdong and Guangxi have both the Sheng titles of Han cultural circle and non-Han cultural circle.After measurements and statistics the Sheng mouthpiece and wind-chest in the Han and non-Han cultural circles, the length, thickness, curvature and angle of the Sheng mouthpiece in the Han culture circle vary with the dynasty; whereas the Sheng wind-chest does not change. There is a fixed relationship between the thickness and the curvature of Sheng mouthpiece. The thick Sheng mouthpiece is straight, whilst the thin one curved. In addition, the thickness and the curvature are also consistent in the division of dynasties. From the Zhou Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty, there were mainly thick and straight Sheng mouthpieces. When the Tang Dynasty, the thin and curved Sheng mouthpiece first appeared and coexisted with the thick and straight Sheng mouthpiece. From the Five Dynasties to the Yuan Dynasty, there were only thin and curved Sheng mouthpieces. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the second stage of thin and curved, thick and straight Sheng mouthpiece coexist.The Sheng mouthpiece, wind-chest, and pipes in the non-Han culture circle are interrelated. Particularly, by analyzing Sheng of non-Han culture circle, the wind-chest is distinguished as round and long. The link of types of wind-chest, length, thickness, curvature and angle of the mouthpiece are established. Exceptionally, Sheng of Province Sichuan and Guizhou can be categorized in one group. Apart from the long Sheng wind-chest, there are mainly long, thin and straight mouthpieces, There are 3 to 5 pipes in the Sheng, too. Besides, Sheng in Yunnan Province is in another category. The round wind-chest and curved mouthpiece are not found in other provinces. Moreover, there are 6 to 8 pipes of the Sheng which differ from those in Province Sichuan and Guizhou. The only similar nature of the Sheng in Yunnan and those in Sichuan and Guizhou is the shape of the thin Sheng mouthpieces.This study summarizes the historical documents and images of Sheng from ancient times to the Qing Dynasty, discussed the historical changes of types and titles of Sheng, and analyzed the distribution of Sheng in China to provide a comparison of the differences between Sheng in the Han and non-Han cultural circles in and before the Qing Dynasty. Nowadays, there are more and more studies on Sheng in non-Han cultural circles from the Emic perspective. It is expected that this study could provide a possibility to pursue the historical context of Chinese Sheng after the Republic of China ,and to verify a change of the description of Sheng in the Han and non-Han cultural circles.Keywords:Chinese Mouth Organ, Sheng, Sheng wind-chest, Sheng mouthpiece, Han and non-Han
笙類樂器, 笙斗, 笙嘴, 漢與非漢, Chinese Mouth Organ, Sheng, Sheng wind-chest, Sheng mouthpiece, Han and non-Han