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  隨著Web2.0網站的興起,各式各樣新技術的發展讓網頁的功能愈來愈強大。儘管全球資訊網相關協定與標準持續發表新版,各家瀏覽器供應者亦不斷更新瀏覽器功能,身心障礙者縱使可利用電腦輔具建立起與數位資訊溝通的介面,但如果想要達到充分了解資訊的內容與意義,則往往得要視資訊提供者是否提供具有完善編輯、語法和結構的資訊來源而定。為了縮短身心障礙者數位落差,探討網站的相容性與可及性為本研究的重要議題。   本研究旨在發展出一套可及性部落格系統,依據XML檔案本身具有結構性的特性,以XML原生資料庫(eXist)來儲存XML檔案,並使用W3C訂定的下一代網頁語言HTML 5技術開發部落格相關功能。部落格可及性功能方面,本研究以WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0)無障礙網頁規範做為無障礙的標準。本系統具有以下特色:符合無障礙結構化和語意化的設計、擁有HTML5更具相容性的影音功能、提供具有可及性的CAPTCHA驗證功能。除此之外,本研究配合實驗室開發多年的改良式螢幕鍵盤當作電腦輔具操作測試本系統,並且提出系統功能測試報告、WCAG2.0可及性分析、以及相容性測試分析。 目前市面上的部落格系統考慮無障礙網路的可及性因素成果不佳,本研究致力於符合 W3C規範,期望讓網頁能夠在各種平台與瀏覽器上都能夠正確的顯示,發展出可及性部落格的雛型讓身心障礙者未來在使用部落格時能更便利,讓網際網路的環境更友善。
  With the rise of Web 2.0 and new technologies, the functionality of web pages is getting more powerful. However, disabilities still encounter many difficulties to access web pages, in spite of using assistive devices as an interface with computers. It is because web content developers usually lack of knowledge to provide proper structure and syntax when they design web pages.   The purpose of this thesis is to develop an accessible blog system for disabilities. The system developed uses XML native database (eXist) to store XML files, HTML5 technology to develop associated functions, and WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0) as the standard for testing accessibility. Its features include structured and semantic design on accessibility, more compatible media design using HTML5, and providing accessible CAPTCHA. In addition, we use enhanced on-screened keyboard as an assistive device to test the accessible blog system. We conduct systems functionality test, WCAG2.0 accessibility analysis, and compatible analysis for our blog system and associated reports are provided in the thesis. Our system satisfies the conformance requirement of W3C guidelines. We wish that our blog can provide correct display on every kind of platforms and browsers, also our developing model of accessible blog system will support disabilities to use blog system in more convenient way in the near future.



Web2.0, 可及性, 相容性, HTML5, 部落格, XML原生資料庫, Web2.0, accessibility, compatibility, HTML5, blog, XML native database





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