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歌子戲從二十世紀初一直存在台灣人的生活當中,橫跨百年的戲劇生涯,伴隨了台灣成長的歷史脈絡,中間經過日本統治台灣的五十年,期間吸收了西方國家的錄音技術技術、新興科技,使得傳統歌子戲音樂得以快速流行於台灣各地,廣受民眾喜愛。 本論文研究的目的在於研究日治時期留下的78轉老唱片,對於蒐集到的資料透過整理、採譜、音樂分析,針對1910-1945年代歌子戲的唱腔做初步研究,探究其根本的來源、演變的過程,期望對於歌子戲的紀錄與印證能提供日治歌子戲探討上的助益。 本論文共分為四章,第一章為歌子戲日治時期唱片的出版概況,先探究台灣有了聲音紀錄的開始,再對其出版的狀況做一概括性的介紹,並探討1910-1945年歌子戲唱片的保存價值;第二章為日治時期音樂的略論,展開層次性的論述,從日治時期歌子戲的音樂取材、唱腔運用以及詞曲間的韻腳關係,全面瞭解歌子戲音樂的包容性與多元化;第三章為歌子戲唱腔的結構分析,筆者分別對於【江湖調】、【七字調】、【雜唸調】及【哭調】四種歌子戲主要唱腔的曲式結構、旋律、節奏、特殊演唱方式等方面做一完整的分析;第四章為歌子戲後場音樂,先介紹當時日治時期的後場伴奏樂器,進而探討演奏的曲牌以及演奏方式,以歸納整理不同的過場音樂。
Taiwanese Opera Music has been among the Taiwanese people’s life from the early twentieth century , across the century of the opera’s career. Accompanied by the growth of Taiwan's historical context, through the fifty years of the prriod of Japanese occupation to absorb of westen countries recording technology、new science during this time,so quickly that Taiwanese Opera Music can prevalent around to Taiwan,widely loved by the people. This thesis is to study the old records which was from the Japan-Occupied Period,through sort out、collect music and analysis,make shallow’s study direct the Taiwanese Opera Music’s accent from the decade 1910 to 1945,explore the origin and evolution of the process,expectation the records and prove of Taiwanese Opera Music can provide discussion assistance of Japanese-Ocupied Period’s opera music. This thesis is divided into four chapters,the first chapter is about publish profiles of Taiwan Opera Music old records,from the beginning of the Taiwan have voice records to introduce the publish,and discuss the value of Taiwan Opera Music’s records from 1910 to 1945.The second chapter is the music disscussion of Japanese-Occupied Period,to select the music materials to take use of tunes and the connect of the text and music,comprehensive understanding of Taiwanese Opera Music.The third chapter is about analysis the Taiwanese Opera Music tune’s structure,author comprehensive analysis the music structure、melody、rhythm and sing method of the four main tunes : 【Jianghu tune】、【Qi zi tune】、【Ku tune】、【Zanian tune】.The fourth chapter is the music of the backcourt introduce the JapaneseOccupied Period musical instrument of Taiwan Opera Music first,than sidcuss the way of playing instrument to induction and sort out these music.



【江湖調】, 【七字調】, 【雜唸調】, 【哭調】, 【Jianghu tune】, 【Qi zi tune】, 【Ku tune】, 【Zanian tune】





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