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本研究旨在探討,透過手機傳送之多媒體字彙學習訊息,對於以英語為外語(EFL)的國中學習者之字彙學習的效益。多媒體字彙學習訊息內容以下列四種註解模式呈現:純文字模式、聲音模式、彩色圖片模式,以及聲音搭配彩色圖片模式。此四種不同呈現模式對於字彙學習之效益,以及此四種模式加諸之認知負荷量(cognitive load),也在本研究中加以探究。
受試者為來自臺灣中部的三十二位國中八年級生。受試者於固定時間內,一天收到兩則多媒體字彙學習訊息。在純文字模式中,多媒體字彙學習訊息呈現出目標單字(target words),以及其詞性、中文翻譯,與英文例句。在聲音模式中,上述之基本純文字資訊,與聲音檔同時呈現在多媒體字彙學習訊息中。聲音檔內容為,以英語為母語者(native speakers),唸出該目標單字以及其英文例句。在彩色圖片模式中,基本的純文字資訊,以及闡述目標單字字義的圖片,同時呈現於多媒體字彙學習訊息中。至於聲音搭配彩色圖片模式,多媒體字彙學習訊息同時涵蓋基本純文字資訊,聲音檔以及闡述字義的圖片。立即後測(immediate posttests)以及兩週後的延宕後測(delayed posttests)用來檢驗透過多媒體字彙學習訊息學習單字的效益。此外,認知負荷量表(cognitive load measurement)則用來探究不同多媒體字彙學習訊息呈現模式所引起的認知負荷量。受試者對於多媒體字彙學習訊息的態度,以及他們的回饋與建議,則藉由事後問卷來加以探究。本研究資料以單因子重複測量變異數分析(One way repeated measure ANOVA)進行討論。
首先,受試者對於藉由多媒體訊息學習字彙,抱持著正面的態度。就字彙學習而言,受試者認為藉由多媒體訊息學習字彙,是有趣、有效,而且有益的。此外,藉由多媒體訊息字彙學習實現了在行動學習(mobile learning)環境中,無所不在學習(ubiquitous learning)的可能性。再者,就認知負荷量而言,聲音搭配圖片模式所引起的認知負荷量少於純文字模式以及彩色圖片模式。此外,純文字模式所引起的認知負荷量高於聲音模式。然而,本研究結果並未指出此四種不同呈現模式的多媒體學習訊息,對於字彙學習上有任何顯著性的差異。
The study aims to explore the effects of MMS vocabulary learning messages via mobile phones on vocabulary learning for EFL junior high school learners. The content of MMS vocabulary learning messages were presented in four different annotation modes: the textual mode, the audio mode, the pictorial mode, and the audio plus pictorial mode. Different effects of the four annotation modes on vocabulary learning as well as different cognitive load imposed by the different modes were also examined. Thirty-two eighth graders in central Taiwan were recruited in the study. The participants were sent MMS vocabulary learning messages twice a day at regular time. In the textual annotation mode, the target words were presented with their syntactical categories, L1 translations, and example sentences. In the audio mode, the basic textual information listed in the textual mode was provided with the audio references in which a native speaker read the target words and the example sentences. In the pictorial mode, the basic textual information was presented with the pictures illustrating the meanings of the target words. As for the audio plus pictorial mode, all the textual information, the audio and the pictorial references were all involved. The immediate and the two-week delayed posttests were administered to examine the effectiveness of vocabulary learning via MMS. In addition, a cognitive load measurement was constructed to investigate the cognitive load induced by the different annotation modes. The participants’ attitudes toward the MMS vocabulary learning and their feedback and suggestions were also explored in the post questionnaire. The data was analyzed by one way repeated measure ANOVA. The results of the study were presented as follows: Firstly, the participants held positive attitudes towards vocabulary learning via MMS. The participants considered MMS vocabulary learning interesting, effective, and beneficial in terms of vocabulary learning. Besides, MMS vocabulary learning realized the potential of the ubiquitous learning in the mobile learning environment. Next, as for the cognitive load, the cognitive load induced by the audio plus pictorial mode was less than that imposed on the textual mode and the pictorial mode. In addition, the textual mode imposed higher cognitive load on the participants than the audio mode. However, the results did not detect any significant differences in the effects among the four annotation modes on vocabulary learning.
The study aims to explore the effects of MMS vocabulary learning messages via mobile phones on vocabulary learning for EFL junior high school learners. The content of MMS vocabulary learning messages were presented in four different annotation modes: the textual mode, the audio mode, the pictorial mode, and the audio plus pictorial mode. Different effects of the four annotation modes on vocabulary learning as well as different cognitive load imposed by the different modes were also examined. Thirty-two eighth graders in central Taiwan were recruited in the study. The participants were sent MMS vocabulary learning messages twice a day at regular time. In the textual annotation mode, the target words were presented with their syntactical categories, L1 translations, and example sentences. In the audio mode, the basic textual information listed in the textual mode was provided with the audio references in which a native speaker read the target words and the example sentences. In the pictorial mode, the basic textual information was presented with the pictures illustrating the meanings of the target words. As for the audio plus pictorial mode, all the textual information, the audio and the pictorial references were all involved. The immediate and the two-week delayed posttests were administered to examine the effectiveness of vocabulary learning via MMS. In addition, a cognitive load measurement was constructed to investigate the cognitive load induced by the different annotation modes. The participants’ attitudes toward the MMS vocabulary learning and their feedback and suggestions were also explored in the post questionnaire. The data was analyzed by one way repeated measure ANOVA. The results of the study were presented as follows: Firstly, the participants held positive attitudes towards vocabulary learning via MMS. The participants considered MMS vocabulary learning interesting, effective, and beneficial in terms of vocabulary learning. Besides, MMS vocabulary learning realized the potential of the ubiquitous learning in the mobile learning environment. Next, as for the cognitive load, the cognitive load induced by the audio plus pictorial mode was less than that imposed on the textual mode and the pictorial mode. In addition, the textual mode imposed higher cognitive load on the participants than the audio mode. However, the results did not detect any significant differences in the effects among the four annotation modes on vocabulary learning.
字彙學習, 認知負荷, 行動學習, 註解模式, vocabulary learning, cognitive load, mobile learning, annotation modes