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論文摘要 本研究指在探討桃園縣國中學生權知識與人權態度之現況,以作為實施人權教育之參考,本研究問卷調查方式探討國中學生之性別、年級、族群、家庭社經地位、父母管教方式等,對人權知識與人權態度的差異情形。研究者蒐集國內外相關文獻與問卷為依據,經專家評鑑與項目分析,自編成「國中學生人權知識與人權態度問卷」為研究工具,採分層隨機抽樣方式,抽取十所國中,三十個班級,共計1088位學生為受試樣本,進行實證研究,調查所得資料分別採描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析及皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法,進行資料處理分析。研究所得結論如下: 一、桃園縣國中學生人權知識程度具中等程度 二、桃園縣國中學生具正向積極的人權態度 三、不同背景國中學生的人權知識差異情形:1.國中女生在人權知識方面表現優於男生。 2.高年級學生具有較佳的人權知識 3.不同族群之人權知識無顯著差異 4.高家庭社經地位的學生,人權知識有較優異的表現 5.父母採民主式管教方式學生之人權知識表現較佳 四、不同背景學生的人權態度差異情形:1.不同性別國中學生在人權態度上無顯著差異 2.高年級學生的人權態度比較積極、正向 3.不同族群的國中學生人權態度無顯著差 4.高家庭社經地位學生的人權態度比較積極、正向 5.父母採民主管教方式學生的人權態度比較積極、正向 五、桃園縣國中學生人權知識越高,其人權態度越積極、正向 根據研究結果與結論,提出建議,茲述如下: 一、強化人權知識的認知:父母應以民主管教方式增進親子關係,互相討論不同問題的看法,提供良好的家庭互動氣氛,並且對於社會侵犯人權的時事能適時的給予機會教育,提供正確的人權觀念。學校則應提升教師人權教學素養,增強學生人權概念,維護人權,並能夠和家長互相尊重與合作。 二、培養積極的人權態度:父母對於子女應運用溝通、輔導策略,體驗民主討論的精神,培養相互尊重的態度。學校教師應以民主尊重的方式進行教學與班級經營,並且將人權教育融入各科教學之中,加強學生對於人的關心與社會的關懷,減少個人偏見與歧視,重視社會正義,強化其人權態度。
Abstract The purposes of the research were to investigate the current status of the junior high schoolstudents’ human rights knowledge and attitude in tao-yuan country in Taiwan, and to offer suggestions for implementing human rights education in the junior high school. The study used quantitative approach as a major research method to compare the difference of the junior high school students’ human rights knowledge and attitude with the different backgrounds including students’ gender, grades、races、social and economic status of family, parenting type.The researcher designed a questionnaire, entitled “Junior High School Students’ Human Rights Knowledge and Attitude Questionnaire ”, which was woven by effective questionnaires from Taiwan or foreign countries and analyzed by factor analysis. This research adopted layered random sampling from the junior high school students in tao-yuan country. Altogether there were 30classes, 1088 effective samples totally. Data of this survey were processed and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Person’s product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. The major findings of the study were briefly summarized as follows: 1.General speaking, students’ human rights knowledge was under medium level. 2.The junior high school students’ attitude for human rights shows a positive trend. 3. According to different backgrounds, the students’ performances in human rights knowledge are as following: a. Female students get higher scores than male students. b. The high grade students get higher scores than the lower grade. c. Different races shows no difference in human rights knowledge. d. Students from high-class families get higher scores than those from middle-class families and those from poor families. e. The democratic parenting type get higher scores than authoritative type. 4.According to different backgrounds, the students’ performances in human rights attitude are as following: a. Different races shows no difference in human rights attitude. b. The high grade students were more positive changes than the lower grade. c. Different races shows no difference in human rights attitude. d. Students from high-class families were more positive changes than those from middle-class families and those from poor families. e. The democratic parenting type were more positive changes than authoritative type. 5.The human rights knowledge and attitude of junior high school students in tao-yuan country were positively related. According to the results of this research, there are some suggestions as follows: 1. Reinforce the cognition of human rights knowledge: Parents can democratically teach children to develop relations with each other, and they can share opinions about various questions with children in an interactive atmosphere. Besides, parents can guide children to learn more about human rights from daily life, and let them distinguish what is right about human rights. Teachers in school should be well disciplined to teach students how to protect their human rights. Parents should cooperate with teachers to help students to reinforce children’s cognition of human rights. 2. Develop positive human rights attitudes: Parents should adopt strategies to communicate and counsel children and let them experience the spirit of democratic discussion and respect other people. Teachers in school should teach students the spirit of democracy, and the human rights knowledge should be included in class teaching of each subject. Furthermore, reinforce students’ conception to care about people and the society and teach students to reduce personal prejudice and discrimination, to value the justice in the society and to reinforce the positive human rights attitudes.



人權, 人權知識, 人權態度, 人權教育, human rights, human rights knoeledge, human rights attitude, human rights education





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