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玩具隱含寓教於樂的特點,其中「教」意味著它可以作為媒介傳遞知識與環境關懷議題,而「樂」則 指的是可以作為科幻想像題材的探索表現。現今社會面臨極端氣候變遷、生物多樣性喪失、資源枯竭等環境挑戰,人們對環境議題的關注日益迫切,已經成為全球範圍內迫在眉睫的焦點話題,保護環境也已是全球社會共同的責任和使命。以玩具傳達環境議題,若過於強調教育性可能會讓人感覺太過嚴肅,缺乏有趣的情節和玩法娛樂更會進而減少娛樂性,使人們不太願意接觸。考量教育性和娛樂性之間的平衡,科幻作品通常能夠更容易被人們接受,電影、遊戲和動漫等載體也常常使用科幻主題來吸引玩家的興趣。即使科技在超現實的想像中朝著美好的方向發展,對未來的人類世界則是時常呈現資源耗盡、天災浩劫、重返烏托邦的桃花源或打破既有規則產生新制度的反烏托邦題材,亦能對人們產生啟發。科幻作品以其引人入勝的故事情節,探索人類和環境所面臨的未來想像和隱憂,成為備受歡迎的題材,以各種假設和猜測探討科技發展對人類和世界的影響。本研究將以發現環境議題為出發點,透過科幻主題作為表達媒介進行玩具創作,傳遞對環境的關懷。經由文獻與案例之收集,整理現有玩具和桌遊類型及玩法的整合,探討其特徵與趣味性手法,如何運用玩具所具有明確目標、情境、規則特色的遊玩形式,傳達世界觀和情節,使玩家在參與遊戲的過程中探索的未來世界。其次,考量玩具的遊玩的不同形式,由「象徵性」、「規則性」、「策略性」要點,分別設計出「星域堆堆樂」、「資源塔危機」、「水境任務」等三項玩具創作,並探討如何由設計遊戲橋段來呼籲玩家改變立場、採取對環境有益的行為,藉此呈現科幻情境中的環境意識,盼玩家最終以遊戲過程所獲的滿足和成就感,引發反思並喚起對環境議題的關注。 最後,透過設計成果展以收集觀眾心得回饋,探討觀賞者對於作品的感知、遊玩反應以及對科幻結合環境議題的認知與體驗。期許能將玩具作為科技寓言的載體以及溝通的橋樑,通過寓教於樂的方式傳達環境意識,從而守護更加可持續的未來。
Toys imply the characteristics of teaching and entertainment, in which"teaching" means that it can be used as a medium to convey knowledge and environmental care issues, while "entertainment"means that it can be used as an exploratory expression of science fiction imaginative themes.Nowadays, our society is facing environmental challenges such as extreme climate change and resource depletion, and the protection of the environment has become the common responsibility and mission of the global society. Science fiction, popularized through movies, games, and anime, effectively engages the public by depicting future worlds marked by resource depletion and natural disasters, prompting reflection on environmental concerns. In this study, we will take the discovery of environmental issues as the starting point and use science fiction themes as the medium of expression to create toys that convey concern for the environment. Through the collection of literature and case studies, we organize the integration of existing toys and board games, explore their characteristics and interesting methods, and how to use the play forms of toys with clear goals, situations, and rules to convey worldviews and scenarios, so that the players can explore the future world in the process of participating in the games. Secondly, considering the different forms of toy play, we designed three toy creations, namely"Starfield Pileup", "Resource Tower Crisis", and "Water Mission", based on the key points of "symbolism", "rules", and "strategy". We also collected feedback from the audience through the exhibition of the design results, and explored the audience's perceptions of the creations, their reactions to the games, as well as their awareness and experience of the theme of combining science fiction with the environment. It is hoped that the toys can be used as a carrier of technological fables and a bridge of communication, and that environmental awareness can be conveyed in a fun and educational way, thus safeguarding a more sustainable future.
Toys imply the characteristics of teaching and entertainment, in which"teaching" means that it can be used as a medium to convey knowledge and environmental care issues, while "entertainment"means that it can be used as an exploratory expression of science fiction imaginative themes.Nowadays, our society is facing environmental challenges such as extreme climate change and resource depletion, and the protection of the environment has become the common responsibility and mission of the global society. Science fiction, popularized through movies, games, and anime, effectively engages the public by depicting future worlds marked by resource depletion and natural disasters, prompting reflection on environmental concerns. In this study, we will take the discovery of environmental issues as the starting point and use science fiction themes as the medium of expression to create toys that convey concern for the environment. Through the collection of literature and case studies, we organize the integration of existing toys and board games, explore their characteristics and interesting methods, and how to use the play forms of toys with clear goals, situations, and rules to convey worldviews and scenarios, so that the players can explore the future world in the process of participating in the games. Secondly, considering the different forms of toy play, we designed three toy creations, namely"Starfield Pileup", "Resource Tower Crisis", and "Water Mission", based on the key points of "symbolism", "rules", and "strategy". We also collected feedback from the audience through the exhibition of the design results, and explored the audience's perceptions of the creations, their reactions to the games, as well as their awareness and experience of the theme of combining science fiction with the environment. It is hoped that the toys can be used as a carrier of technological fables and a bridge of communication, and that environmental awareness can be conveyed in a fun and educational way, thus safeguarding a more sustainable future.
環境意識, 科幻, 玩具, 桌遊, 遊戲性, environment consciousness, science fiction, toys, board game, gameplay