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This thesis explores the ecopoetry of Pulitzer Prize-winning American poet Jorie Graham through the lens of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy. Examining a number of poems from Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts (1980), Erosion (1983), The End of Beauty (1987), Never (2002) and Sea Change (2008), the thesis argues that Graham’s poems show an increasing urge for embeddedness and embodiment (both thematically and stylistically) which resonates with Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology and ontology. Graham’s poems suggest the current ecological crisis can be understood as the collective failure of humanity to perceive our interdependence with the human and nonhuman other. While her early poems problematize purely rational approaches to the world which place us outside of nature, her later poems try to enact bodily encounters with things in the natural world as an alternative way of engaging the world. Chapter One discusses the links between Graham’s early poems and Merleau-Ponty’s critique of the Cartesian subject-object bifurcation and its reinforcement in science. I demonstrate that Graham’s early poems problematize logocentrism and the scientific method, specifically how they privilege abstract truth over bodily reality, objectify and isolate the body and the natural world. Chapter Two then investigates the way Graham’s Never enacts bodily encounters with the nonhuman others as an alternative way of engaging nature and how it reinvents the notion of the self based on Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of the flesh. This chapter also discusses Graham’s difficult style. While many critics saw the difficulty as a flaw of Never and Graham’s poetry in general, I would argue that it helps foreground the irreplaceability of things in the natural world. Finally, Chapter Three examines the way Sea Change takes the experience of fleshly encounters as the basis for understanding and imagining our interdependence with the global ecosystem.



《永不》, 生態詩, 梅洛龐蒂, 《海變》, 晦澀, 喬麗葛拉罕, Never, ecopoetry, Merleau-Ponty, Sea Change, difficulty, Jorie Graham





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