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在臺灣,幼兒「學習注音符號」是學者、教師、家長等皆十分關注的議題,但不曾有研究探討以家庭作為活動的提供者,新住民幼兒會於幼小銜接的暑假參與哪些活動,以及新住民母親對於幼兒幼小銜接階段的教養觀點為何?因此本研究之主要目的為呈現新住民幼兒於大班升小一的暑假生活樣貌,並聚焦在新住民母親安排幼兒此暑假的歷程與想法。本研究之研究對象為居住在臺北市及新北市的五個中國大陸及五個東南亞新住民家庭成員,包括母親、大班幼兒、丈夫或婆婆共三十人,以半結構式訪談及參與觀察的方式來蒐集資料,透過資料彙整、編碼與分析而歸納出本研究之結果: 一、新住民大班幼兒的暑假生活因家庭社經背景而有不同的樣貌,但皆出現預先學習小學課程的活動,且以參加私立正音班為主。 二、安排幼兒大班升小一暑假活動反映出新住民母親對暑假的看法,而不同國籍新住民母親適應語言、回應臺灣教育制度上的差距使母親對幼兒進入小學產生不同的感受並抱有不同的教育期待。 三、不同國籍新住民母親安排幼兒暑假活動的決策自主性受到家庭社經背景、家務分工模式及家人介入程度而有所不同。 四、新住民母親安排暑假活動的想法與行動具有一致性,並因為能實踐自身教養信念、幼兒暑假活動具有學習成效而獲得正向感受。
The summer prior entering first grade was an important transitional period for young children. Many parents would register extra-curricular programs specifically designed for such a transitional time. For instance, learning Chinese phonetics has been a common activity during the particular summer in Taiwan. For Taiwanese families with newly immigrant mothers, what kinds of activities would they plan for their children in that summer? How did they make decisions and why? The present study focused on how newly immigrant mothers from Mainland China and Southeast Asia countries arranged the summer activities for children. It aimed to understand families of these mothers’ thoughts and process of decision making for arranging the summer activities. Five families with immigrant mothers from Mainland China and 5 with immigrant mothers from Southeast Asia countries were recruited in Taipei, Taiwan. The focal participants were the immigrant mothers and their young children. Other family members such as fathers, grandparents, or siblings were included. Overall, there were 30 participants in the study. Semi-structural interviews and participant observations were conducted to collect data. Qualitative methods were applied to analyze data. The primary results were as follows: (1) All ten immigrant mothers thought activities relevant to learning in first grade was crucial to spent time in the summer. They arranged activities about academic lessons, artistic and sport activities, summer camps and free play. Regarding academic lessons, they thought knowing how to write and pronounce Chinese phonetics was important. They all registered programs specifically for learning Chinese phonetics. Additionally, math and English classes were also arranged. (2) Immigrant mothers all deemed the summer should involve preparation for first grade. However, cross-cultural and social barriers prevented them from planning the summer as effectively as native mothers. They relied on limited information obtained from elementary schools, their own experience from native countries or information from neighbors or relatives. (3) Differences were found among two groups of immigrant mothers. The differences stemmed from family socioeconomic status and the original nationalities of the mothers. The language and educational systems were more accessible to mothers from Mainland China. Yet mothers from Southeast Asia countries needed more assistance from family members or neighbors. (4) These mothers’ expectation for their children suggested a common idea of “not lagging behind peers,” which reflecting worries of the mothers about their children’s future achievement.



幼小銜接, 新住民母親, 家庭活動, 安親班, transition to first grade, newly immigrant mothers, extra-curricular activity, after school care service





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