
dc.contributorHu, Ru-Pingen_US
dc.contributor.authorWU, Shih-Hsuanen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文旨在瞭解某校冷凍空調科學生參加在校生專案技能檢定術科訓練之 學習滿意度為主題,本研究以「訪談法」、「問卷調查法」之「結構式」問卷與「非結構式」問卷為基本研究方法,在此方法下對教師進行個人訪談,藉以瞭解目前冷凍空調科實施技檢術科訓練之計畫內涵;對學生進行第一次問卷調查,藉以瞭解目前學生的背景變項與參加技檢術科訓練的學習滿意度現況;根據第一次問卷調查所獲得的結果與發現,與欲再深入探究問題的研究精神本質,對學生輔以第二次開放性問卷調查。最後本研究歸納結論如下: 一、高職冷凍空調科實施技檢術科訓練,其師資安排、教材編製、安全衛 生措施、設備、工具及材料的提供、獎勵等都有其既定的實施方式。 二、學生對技檢術科訓練的學習滿意度情況在「整體」而言達滿意傾向, 特別在教師教學上給予高度肯定;另外,訓練時數、訓練教材、設備 工具的品質、環境衛生與學生對冷凍空調信心等,需要進行改進。 三、學生普遍願意參加技能檢定測驗,而學生認為訓練的時數,不足以通 過技能檢定;除此之外,發現學生未來升學及就業意向,選擇非本科 相關的人數佔多數,應設法重建學生對本科的信心。 四、背景變項資料分析中,學生學習滿意度而言,參與檢定意願越高,則 學習滿意度就越高、通過丙級檢定比沒通過檢定者高、選擇就業高於 尚未決定高於選擇升學者、選擇本科系高於選擇非本科系者、選擇非 本科相關工作高於選擇本科相關工作者。 最後,依據研究發現及結論,分別對教育部主管相關單位、高職學校及冷凍空調科全體教師,提出建議;並於本研究進行過程中實際獲得的經驗,提出三項研究方向給後續研究者參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis aims to figure out learning satisfaction in students, from Department of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning of a certain school, who attend technical training for skill test, and employed methods of interview and structural and non-structural questionnaire surveys as basic methodology. The researcher interviewed the teachers in order to acquire the contents of the current plan of technical training for students of Department of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning. The researcher also interviewed students. The purpose of the first questionnaire survey is to figure out students’ background variables and current state of learning satisfaction for technical training for skill test. According to the results and findings of the first questionnaire and the research nature requiring further investigation, students accepted open questionnaire survey. Finally, this study summarizes conclusions as follows: 1. Department of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning of the occupational senior high school implementing technical training for skill test has established its implementation pattern with regard to teacher assignment, compilation of teaching materials, measures of safety and hygiene, tools and materials, and incentive. 2. Students expressed overall learning satisfaction for the technical training for skill test and even high satisfaction for teachers’ teaching, while with regard to training hours, training materials, quality of equipment and tools, hygiene of the environment, students’ confidence on refrigeration and air-conditioning they expressed improvement was required. 3. Students were willing to join such skill test generally, but thought training hours were not sufficient to pass the test. Besides, most students would choose other departments and fields than this for their higher education and employment, indicating students’ confidence on this department should be enhanced. 4. The analysis of background variables shows that the higher willingness the students had to join the skill test the higher learning satisfaction they expressed, more students passed G-grade skill test than those failed, more students decided to find a jobs than those had not decided or decided to pursue higher education, more students chose the same department than other departments, more students tended to work in the fields related to this department than other departments. Finally, through the findings and conclusions this research had explored and reached, the researcher proposed suggestions to the related authorities of Ministry of Education and teachers of the occupational senior high schools and of the Department of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning. This research also proposed three research orientations for future researches based on the experience obtained in the process of this research.en_US
dc.subjectDepartment of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioningen_US
dc.subjectproject skill testen_US
dc.subjecttechnical trainingen_US
dc.subjectlearning satisfactionen_US
dc.titleStudents’ Learning Satisfaction for Technical Training for C-Grade Skill Test–A Department of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning of Public Senior Vocational an Exampleen_US


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