
dc.contributor.authorHo Hsiao-Lingen_US
dc.description.abstract  本研究以各校擔任臺中市童軍晉級考驗營聯隊長為例,旨在探討童軍晉級考驗營,對於童軍團聯隊長領導技能之影響。主要探究不同背景變項(性別、童軍團參加晉級考驗營人數、聯隊長參加童軍露營活動的次數)的國中童軍團聯隊長在領導技能增進的差異情形。研究方法採取單組前後測準實驗設計,研究對象為目前就讀於臺中市立國民中學,參加學校童軍團並擔任童軍晉級考驗營聯隊長的一至三年級學生。   為達研究目的,採用心理出版社所出版的領導技能問卷、鄭聖敏教授編製的中學生生活經驗與表現量表及半結構性訪談做為研究工具,在活動執行前、後施測,透過領導技能問卷前後測數值來進行統計分析,以了解童軍晉級考驗營對於國中童軍團聯隊長領導技能增進之影響情況,及性別、聯隊長參加露營次數、童軍團參加露營人數對於童軍團聯隊長領導技能的影響。再利用領導技能問卷後測之數據,分析童軍晉級考驗營之後,不同變項的聯隊長在領導技能的差異狀況,並藉由兩份問卷的統計數據,測量童軍團聯隊長的領導技能程度,最後進一步分析質性的半結構性訪談,探討童軍晉級考驗營活動對於領導技能影響的因素為何。研究結果發現,童軍晉級考驗營對於童軍團聯隊長的領導技能產生以下的影響: 一、參與童軍晉級考驗營後,童軍團聯隊長在領導技能問卷「領導基本概念」、「口語溝通技巧」、「問題解決技巧」三個分項能力的增進達到顯著差異。 二、童軍晉級考驗營對於不同性別在領導技能的增進的情況為,女性聯隊長在「口語溝通技巧」、「計畫技巧」兩個分項能力的增進達到顯著差異,而男性聯隊長僅在「口語溝通技巧」的增進達到顯著差異。 三、童軍晉級考驗營對於不同參加童軍露營活動次數的聯隊長在領導技能的增進情況為,參加童軍露營次數1-4次的聯隊長在「口語溝通技巧」的增進達到顯著差異,而次數達5次以上的聯隊長在「口語溝通技巧」、「領導技能總分」的增進達顯著差異。 四、童軍晉級考驗營實施後,性別、聯隊長參加童軍露營活動次數及童軍團參加露營人數,各變項與聯隊長領導技能之差異情況皆未達顯著差異。 五、經雙重問卷檢測,研究結果顯示童軍團聯隊長的領導技能,較一般學生優異。 六、童軍晉級考驗營對於國中童軍團聯隊長領導技能的影響因素為: 1.童軍露營活動中各項課程與活動提供領導技能的練習機會。 2.在真實生活情境中,實際進行領導狀況的演練。 3.藉由觀摩其他領導者的領導方式,進行領導技能的模仿與學習。 4.權利及責任感的賦予增進聯隊長自我成長的動力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe primary purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the relationship between the participation in scouting camping activities and senior patrol leader’s leadership in junior high school scouts in Taichung City. The One-group Pretest-Posttest Design and Sheng-Min Cheng’s inventory for measuring leadership competencies of high school students have been adapted in this study. The subjects of the study are junior high school students participating in formal scout troops and the Scouting Advancement Camp as senior patrol leaders. The differences among the subjects, including gender, length of scout training, the number of attending scouting camp, and the number of times that the subjects participate in the activities as senior patrol leaders, are proposed as independent variables that may influence the leadership of senior patrol leaders. "Leadership Skills Inventory” and semi-structured interview are conducted both before and after the scouting camp as main tools to recognize the relationship between subjects’ background and their leadership. Data collected from the questionnaires will be analyzed to determine the critical factors that influence senior patrol leaders’ leadership and there would be further discussion resulted from the semi-structured interview. The analysis of the study revealed that: (1) After the Scouting Advancement Camp, there was significant progression in senior patrol leaders’ basic leadership concept, oral communication skills, and problem-solving abilities. (2) From the perspective of gender, scores of oral communication skills and planning skills of the female senior patrol leaders were significant higher; male senior patrol leaders have significant progression only in oral communication skills. (3) Exploring the factors of times of attending the Scouting Advancement Camp, the ones who attended the Scouting Advancement Camp once, twice, three times, and four times would have significant progression in oral communication skills; the others who attended the Scouting Advancement Camp five or more than five times did better in oral communication skills and leadership skills. (4) The result showed that factor of gender, the factor of attending the Scouting Advancement Camp, and number of attendance showed no significant effects on improving leadership skills. (5) Based on the statistic result, senior patrol leaders had better leadership skills than normal students. (6) Opportunities for improving leadership skills, authentic leadership practice, emulation of experienced leaders, and giving responsibility and authority are crucial effects upon the leadership skills of the senior patrol leaders. The findings of the study can provide senior patrol leaders with aspects that they can word hard to improve when participating in the scouting camping activities.en_US
dc.subjectSenior Patrol Leader in troopsen_US
dc.subjectleadership skillsen_US
dc.subjectScouting camping activitiesen_US
dc.titleA Study of the Effects of Scouting Camping Activities Upon Junior High School Students’Leadership Skills.en_US


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