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吳俊升研究杜威受學界的廣泛敬重,亦不乏對於吳俊升教育思想的研究和文獻的整理,這在中文學界皆已有相當的推進。但是,吳俊升赴法撰寫的博士論文《杜威的教育學說》(La doctrine pédagogique de John Dewey)卻缺少學界的專注。這本著作是吳俊升針對杜威教育學說有系統性的論述,其重要性不亞於《教育哲學大綱》,不過學界對其內容和歷史背景的理解仍不夠清晰,也多忽視其對後世的重大影響。依此,本研究是以《杜威的教育學說》的法文原版作為研究主軸,目的在於釐清其撰寫背景和吳俊升的教育思想,透過分析文章內容,望能補足過往中文學界對《杜威的教育學說》的認知。此外,本研究將探討《杜威的教育學說》在法語區、英美語區,甚至是拉丁美洲地區廣布和轉譯的概況,說明各國引用《杜威的教育學說》的狀況,歸納國外教育學界如何看待《杜威的教育學說》的歷史意義,具體呈現該博士論文的教育價值和國際間的影響力。希冀透過本次研究的探查,能夠提供中文學界理解《杜威的教育學說》的多元角度。
The article aims to point out the important work of Ou Tsuin-Chen’s doctoral thesis: “La doctrine pédagogique de John Dewey” and explain its influence. Ou Tsuin-Chen is an imperative researcher of John Dewey, an educational reformer, in modern history. There are numerous research results related to Ou Tsuin-Chen’s idea of education and his works. However, most of the researchers overlooked the importance of Ou Tsuin-Chen’s doctoral thesis “La doctrine pédagogique de John Dewey”, which assisted us to approach his idea of education further. Since his doctoral thesis was the fruit of his reflection on John Dewey’s idea of education, his work could give us different perspectives on John Dewey and Ou Tsuin-Chen’s idea of educational reform in China. Moreover, “La doctrine pédagogique de John Dewey” had been published around the world since 1931, such in Francophone, English-speaking world, Latin America and so on. Considering its influence on these areas and translation issues, we would want to figure out the meaning of “La doctrine pédagogique de John Dewey” and its historical position around the world. Given that, based on the first edition of “La doctrine pédagogique de John Dewey” content and other researchers’ comments, we would like to show up various explanations of “La doctrine pédagogique de John Dewey”. In order to build a competitive understanding of Ou Tsuin-Chen’s thoughts in education.
The article aims to point out the important work of Ou Tsuin-Chen’s doctoral thesis: “La doctrine pédagogique de John Dewey” and explain its influence. Ou Tsuin-Chen is an imperative researcher of John Dewey, an educational reformer, in modern history. There are numerous research results related to Ou Tsuin-Chen’s idea of education and his works. However, most of the researchers overlooked the importance of Ou Tsuin-Chen’s doctoral thesis “La doctrine pédagogique de John Dewey”, which assisted us to approach his idea of education further. Since his doctoral thesis was the fruit of his reflection on John Dewey’s idea of education, his work could give us different perspectives on John Dewey and Ou Tsuin-Chen’s idea of educational reform in China. Moreover, “La doctrine pédagogique de John Dewey” had been published around the world since 1931, such in Francophone, English-speaking world, Latin America and so on. Considering its influence on these areas and translation issues, we would want to figure out the meaning of “La doctrine pédagogique de John Dewey” and its historical position around the world. Given that, based on the first edition of “La doctrine pédagogique de John Dewey” content and other researchers’ comments, we would like to show up various explanations of “La doctrine pédagogique de John Dewey”. In order to build a competitive understanding of Ou Tsuin-Chen’s thoughts in education.
吳俊升, 杜威教育學說, 杜威, 法國, Ou Tsuin-Chen, La doctrine pédagogique de John Dewey, John Dewey, France