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在現代消費社會中,足球遺產已經被形塑為一種高度規劃後的消費模式。透過運動觀光,觀光客親身參與觀看(spectating)、崇敬(venerating)足球遺產,重新詮釋屬於他們的運動記憶(sporting memory)。在運動觀光中,參觀足球遺產,並不是一個全新的現象,但在運動觀光中和球場觀光有關之研究往往卻忽視了再現政治(representation politics)和記憶政治(memory politics) 在景點製造(destination making)中發揮的影響力。 利物浦足球俱樂部(Liverpool Football Club)遺產,包括:球場觀光、球隊博物館、紀念碑,在一個生產建構的框架(produced framework)中伴隨著參觀者、導覽和球場的演出(performance)和中介(mediation) 成為一個再造的(re-invented)足球遺產觀光產品,使得運動記憶成為一種人們購買的運動商品。因此,球隊歷史經由運動商品化的過程,將歷史包裝過後再現(representation),到頭來只有淨化(cleansed) 後的歷史記憶得以傳唱下去。 針對利物浦足球俱樂部相關遺產及其相關之運動記憶建構(sporting memory construction),筆者透過田野調查、質性訪談以及文獻分析進行資料收集及分析參照,本研究旨在探討足球遺產如何在運動觀光的脈絡下,成為運動記憶和家庭記憶構連上一個重要的媒介(mediator)及平台。除此之外,本研究也深入詮釋此特定類型的足球遺產觀光,論述參觀者和導覽有意識地將自己變為演出者以便重現及延續討喜的大眾記憶(popular memory)。 筆者以利物浦足球俱樂部做為個案研究,試圖對足球遺產觀光,以及運動記憶和文化創意的結合樣貌,提出一個更脈絡化的分析方式與批判詮釋。
Football heritage has become intensively stage-managed and constructed as modes of consumption in contemporary society. Through the lens of sport tourism, visitors participate in spectating and venerating football heritage both mentally and somatically to re-interpret their own sporting memory. Paying a visit to football heritage sites as a type of sports tourism is far from a recent phenomenon, but recent research pays little attention to examine how representation politics and memory politics are involved in destination-making. Liverpool FC heritage (stadium tour, museum, memorial sites) exemplify a re-invented product of football heritage tourism in a fairly produced framework concomitant with the performance and construction from co-visitors, guides and the stadium, making the related memories the commodities for people to buy into. As a result, the club history is represented and constructed in the forms of story-telling and commodities. In the end, it is only the cleansed memory that gets to be passed on. Through fieldwork, interviews, document analysis on the making of Liverpool FC heritage and the construction of sporting memory, the research targets on illustrating how the football heritage becomes a mediator where sporting memory and family memory are compounded and produced. In addition, by delving into the specific type of football heritage tourism, it is worth noting that how visitors and guides both turn themselves into performer in order to keep the popular memory alive. With the case study of Liverpool FC, the research aims at providing a critical interpretation of the football heritage tourism as a combination of sporting memory and creativity in modern era.



足球遺產, 足球場, 運動商品化, 記憶政治, 文化創意, Football heritage, football stadium, sports commodification, memory politics, creativity





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