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本研究以科技接受模式探討國中教師科技接受程度及行動學習教學實施情形。藉由調查法針對新北市公立國中專任教師,發出343份問卷,有效回收343份。採SPSS 26和AMOS 28軟體進行分析。探究國中教師對於行動學習教學認知有用性與易用性、使用態度與意願,以及使用行為。研究結果得到以下結論:國中教師行動學習教學,分別於認知有用性與易用性、使用態度意願及使用情形,核屬正向。同時,透過路徑分析發現,教師的行動學習教學行為,受使用意願影響。使用意願受使用態度影響。使用態度又分別受認知易用性和認知有用性影響。認知有用性,則是受認知易用性影響。根據上述結論,提出以下建議:建立教師共備社群和公開觀課、提供技術資源、加強數位學習型行動載具環境,以及增加課程設計數位研息等措施,確實能有效促進教師行動學習教學之實施。
This study primarily investigated the implementation of mobile learning instruction among junior high school teachers and analyzes their level of ac-ceptance of technology, utilizing the Technology Acceptance Model. Employ-ing a survey method, the study focused on full-time teachers in public junior high schools in New Taipei City. A total of 343 questionnaires were distribut-ed, with 343 valid responses received. Analysis was conducted using SPSS 26 and AMOS 28 software to explore teachers' perceptions of the usefulness, ease of use, attitude towards, willingness to use, and actual usage of mobile learning instruction, as well as the relationships between these factors. The study concluded that junior high school teachers exhibited positive perceptions of the usefulness, ease of use, attitude towards, willingness to use, and actual usage of mobile learning instruction. Furthermore, through path analysis, it was found that teachers' actual usage of mobile learning instruc-tion isinfluenced by their willingness to use it, which in turn was affected by their attitude towards it. Additionally, attitudes towards usage were influenced by both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, with perceived use-fulness being influenced by perceived ease of use. This suggested the exist-ence of a technology acceptance model. Based on these findings, recommen-dations are proposed, including the establishment of teacher collaborative communities, public lesson observations, provision of real-time technical re-sources, and enhancement of digital learning environments, to facilitate the implementation of mobile learning instruction by teachers.Finally, it is hoped that future researchers will delvelop deeper into the scope and broaden the research subjects, and that there will be more diverse studies to assist educators in using mobile learning instruction to enhance student learning outcomes.
This study primarily investigated the implementation of mobile learning instruction among junior high school teachers and analyzes their level of ac-ceptance of technology, utilizing the Technology Acceptance Model. Employ-ing a survey method, the study focused on full-time teachers in public junior high schools in New Taipei City. A total of 343 questionnaires were distribut-ed, with 343 valid responses received. Analysis was conducted using SPSS 26 and AMOS 28 software to explore teachers' perceptions of the usefulness, ease of use, attitude towards, willingness to use, and actual usage of mobile learning instruction, as well as the relationships between these factors. The study concluded that junior high school teachers exhibited positive perceptions of the usefulness, ease of use, attitude towards, willingness to use, and actual usage of mobile learning instruction. Furthermore, through path analysis, it was found that teachers' actual usage of mobile learning instruc-tion isinfluenced by their willingness to use it, which in turn was affected by their attitude towards it. Additionally, attitudes towards usage were influenced by both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, with perceived use-fulness being influenced by perceived ease of use. This suggested the exist-ence of a technology acceptance model. Based on these findings, recommen-dations are proposed, including the establishment of teacher collaborative communities, public lesson observations, provision of real-time technical re-sources, and enhancement of digital learning environments, to facilitate the implementation of mobile learning instruction by teachers.Finally, it is hoped that future researchers will delvelop deeper into the scope and broaden the research subjects, and that there will be more diverse studies to assist educators in using mobile learning instruction to enhance student learning outcomes.
科技接受模式, 行動學習教學, Technology Acceptance Model, Mobile Learning Teaching