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  本研究瞭解我國體育團體公共關係認知、推動現況與阻礙因素之現況,並分析其不同背景變項對公共關係認知與推動阻礙因素之差異情形,以及公共關係認知、推動現況與阻礙因素之間相關程度。研究對象以行政院體育委員會所發行《98年體育統計》之體育團體與《90年體育團體評鑑報告書》之綜合性體育團體為本研究對象,共計115個。調查時間為2010年4月1日至5月6日止,研究方法使用問卷調查法,有效問卷回收為91份( 97.8% ),並使用描述性統計、單因子變異數分析與皮爾森積差相關來進行統計分析,研究結果發現如下: 一、我國體育團體公共關係負責人以大專上畢業居多,且多為體育、社會科學相關背景;組織近九成其成立時間超過十年以上,且三成七體育團體公共關係負責人曾經從事過公共關係工作。 二、針對認知、推動現況及阻礙因素現況做以下三點結論:(一)我國體育團體公共關係負責人對於公共關係認知普遍尚可,對於行銷功能具有較高之認知。(二)我國體育團體公共關係推動,最常透過設立官方網站並定期維護該組織網站為主要方式,以利發佈相關訊息;其次為舉辦研習會、定期使用大眾傳播媒介傳遞訊息兩種方式;而我國體育團體目前有兩成三已成立公共關係部門,另外有近一成三之體育團體透過委外經營來推動公共關係。(三)我國體育團體公共關係推動阻礙因素以經費預算缺乏為最高,認知缺乏為最低。 三、我國體育團體公共關係負責人主要以年齡30歲以下、學歷為碩士班以上、曾經從事過公共關係工作經驗者及其有委外經營之體育團體公共關係負責人對其公共關係認知較高。 四、我國體育團體公共關係負責人曾經有過公共關係工作經驗者,對公共關係推動阻礙較低,換言之,具有公共關係工作經驗者使其推動阻礙降低。 五、我國體育團體公共關係認知與推動現況為中度正相關;推動阻礙因素分別與認知、推動現況呈現低度負相關。   根據上述結論,建議未來相關單位應加強上級主管公共關係認知,且針對各組織人力與經費之問題進行改善,再聘請相關背景之專業人士,協助成立公共關係部門,促使我國體育團體公共關係發展更臻完善。
  The purpose of this study was to understand the sport associations’ cognition, current situation and restraints in public relations in Taiwan. The subjects were selected from “Sports Statistics in 2009” and “The Report of Sport Associations in Taiwan in 2001”. 91 out of 115 samples were valid. The study was conducted from April 1 to May 6, 2010. From the data collected, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation coefficients were performed for data analysis. The results were derived as followed: 1.Most directors had bachelor’s degree or above and majored in public relations or social sciences. More than 90% of sport associations had been set up for over 10 years and more than 37% of directors had been engaged in public relations. 2.With regard to cognition on current situation and restraints of public relations, the results were detailed below: (1) most directors of sport associations had fair cognition in public relations, and better cognition in marketing. (2) most sport associations set up and maintained the official websites as the main channel for public relations for news publishing, and the second and third channels were to hold the seminars and to deliver information by mass media. Only 23% of the sport associations set up the department of public relations, 13% of them outsourced the work. (3) The first restraint to develop public relations for sport associations was shortage of the budget, and the last one was cognition in public relations. 3.Most directors of sport associations were 30 years old and under with a bachelor’s degree, had been engaged in public relations affairs and had better cognition in public relations. 4.The directors of sport associations who had been engaged in public relations had less restraint to develop public relations. 5.There were positive correlations between the cognition and current situation in public relations, and there were negative correlations between the restraints and cognition, and between the restraints and current situation in public relations.   According to the results, the sport associations were recommended to reinforce the directors’ cognition in public relations, to solve the problems about budget and human resource, and to invite the professionals in public relations for the aid with the set up for the department of public relations which would strengthen the development of public relations in Taiwan.



體育團體, 公共關係, 認知, 阻礙因素, Sport associations, public relations, cognition, restraint





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