
dc.contributorTang, Ren-Yenen_US
dc.contributor.authorLu, Yi-Yingen_US
dc.description.abstract基於教學現場的困境、歷史教師的挑戰,研究者企圖調整歷史教學以改善現況等研究動機,本研究之目的主要是透過教師教學研究來探討「問題引導學習」的教學模式在國中歷史教學實施歷程,包含規劃並實施可行的教學方案、學習成效與教師專業成長。 本研究實施於105年國中教育會考後,以臺北市某所國中九年A班32位學生作為研究對象,進行為期三週共八節課進行教學。透過課堂觀察、教師省思札記、學生訪談記錄與學生學習文件等方式蒐集資料,再依據蒐集到的資料進行整理、歸納與分析。 本研究所得到的研究結果如下: 壹、教師運用問題引導學習融入國中歷史教學時,教學目標的規劃須配合學生能力;以影片作為情境問題有利於引起學生學習動機;可思考如何安排利於討論的教學情境;教學流程依照問題引導學習的四大步驟進行,並加入遊戲活動;宜兼顧積極互賴與個人績效的合作學習;以學習記錄簿配合問答方式了解學生學習情形。 貳、問題引導學習融入國中歷史教學後,增進了學生學習歷史科的態度,維持學生學習歷史的興趣、信心,並提高對學習歷史科的價值信念;透過人際互動,發現同學的長處與優點;問題引導學習增進學生問題解決的能力;問題引導學習讓學生體認到團隊合作的重要性。 參、問題引導學習的教學方案設計不易,教師難以獨力完成。實施過程中,教師如何拿捏「引導」與「指導」,營造開放性思考的情境,讓學生學習更深入內容、了解真實世界並無真正的「標準答案」是幾個困境。學生填寫問題訪查表不甚了解,需透過教師說明與示範。學習記錄簿填寫與繳交情形不理想,藉由訪談方式了解學生接受程度、各組合作情形。 本研究根據上述研究結論,對教學者及未來研究提出相關建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBased on the dilemma of teaching site, the challenges of history teachers, the researcher attempt to adjust the history teaching to improve the current situation and other research motives. The purpose of this research is to explore the implementation process of "problem-based learning" teaching model in history instruction, including the planning and implementation of feasible teaching programs, the change of learning results and teachers' professional growth. This study was carried out in 105 years after the National Education Examination, the researcher taught a school in Taipei nine years A class of 32 students as subjects, for a period of three weeks a total of eight classes for teaching. Through classroom observation, teacher reflections notes, student interviews and student learning documents to collect data, and then based on the information collected to sort out, induction and analysis. The results of this study are as follows: 1.Teachers use the problem-based learning into the history instruction, the teaching objectives of the planning should be planned in accordance with the students’ ability. Using film as a situational question is conducive to motivating students to learn. Arrangements conducive to discussion of the teaching situation.Teaching process can guide with the four steps of problem-based learing, and join the game activities. It should take into account the positive interdependence and individual performance of cooperative learning. Using the record book and asking questions to understand the students learning situation. 2.The problem-based learning into the history of teaching, to enhance the attitude of the students to study the history of subjects to maintain interest in learning history, confidence and enhance the value of the history of learning beliefs. Through interpersonal interaction, students found the strengths and advantages. Problem- based learning enhances the ability of students to solve problems. problem- based learning allows students to recognize the importance of teamwork. 3.It is not easy to design a problem-based learning program. Teachers can not be alone to complete. In the implementation process, teachers how to "guide" and "teach", to create an open thinking situation, and there is no real "standard answer" for students to learn more about the real world are several predicaments. Students do not have a good understanding of the questionnaires. They need instructions and demonstration by teacher. It is not ideal about filling in the form and paying the record book. Through interviews with students to understand the degree of acceptance, cooperation in various groups. Based on the above conclusions, this study will make recommendations to the teaching staff and future research.en_US
dc.subjectproblem-based learningen_US
dc.subjecthistory teachingen_US
dc.titleA Case Study of Problem-Based Learning in a Taiwanese Junior High School History Classen_US


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