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近年來,網際網路發展迅速,大量資訊得以迅速傳遞,網路也成為各式各樣的訊息交流平台,無論訊息的正確性或是善惡性,都藉著網路及媒體傳遞出去,進而影響許多民眾模仿、學習及跟進,此現象則稱之為meme。Meme現象已廣泛的被使用在廣告行銷及宣傳上,儼然成為一種趨勢。過去在meme的相關文獻中,大多以網路用語來探討meme現象的形成,因此本研究將針對個人的人格特質對保健食品的meme現象是否有相關,並以期望價值理論為基礎來進行分析。研究對象係針對曾經使用或正在使用保健食品的消費者,以及網路上相關的保健食品論壇使用者,本研究以網路問卷調查的方式蒐集資料進行實證研究,總共回收有效問卷252份,並以結構方程模型去驗證研究假說內容。本研究結果發現 ( 1 ) 人格特質中,神經質性跟謹慎性可以預測期望因素 ( 2 ) 期望因素跟價值因素可以正向預測複製行為與傳遞行為 ( 3 ) 複製行為可以正向預測傳遞行為。
In recent years, the rapid development of Internet, a lot of information to be passed quickly, the network has also become a platform for a wide range of information, regardless of the correctness of the message or the nature of good and evil, are passed out through the Internet and the media, and then affect many people imitate, learn and follow-up, this phenomenon is called meme. Meme phenomenon has been widely used in advertising and marketing and publicity, has become a trend. Meme of the past in the relevant literature, most network-term meme formed to explore the phenomenon, so this study is relevant for the individual personality traits of health food meme phenomenon, and expected value theory as a basis for analysis.Department of the study have been used or is being used for health food consumers, as well as the network- related health food forum users to network questionnaire to collect data for the empirical study, a total of 252 valid questionnaires were recovered, and structural equation modeling to verify the hypotheses. The results of the study found that (1) personality traits, emotional stability with strict conscientiousness can predict the expectation factor (2) factors expected value factors that can positively predict with copying and transmission behavior (3) copying transfer behavior can positively predict .
In recent years, the rapid development of Internet, a lot of information to be passed quickly, the network has also become a platform for a wide range of information, regardless of the correctness of the message or the nature of good and evil, are passed out through the Internet and the media, and then affect many people imitate, learn and follow-up, this phenomenon is called meme. Meme phenomenon has been widely used in advertising and marketing and publicity, has become a trend. Meme of the past in the relevant literature, most network-term meme formed to explore the phenomenon, so this study is relevant for the individual personality traits of health food meme phenomenon, and expected value theory as a basis for analysis.Department of the study have been used or is being used for health food consumers, as well as the network- related health food forum users to network questionnaire to collect data for the empirical study, a total of 252 valid questionnaires were recovered, and structural equation modeling to verify the hypotheses. The results of the study found that (1) personality traits, emotional stability with strict conscientiousness can predict the expectation factor (2) factors expected value factors that can positively predict with copying and transmission behavior (3) copying transfer behavior can positively predict .
保健食品, 人格特質, 期望價值理論, meme, health food, personality traits, expected value theory, meme