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Office of Research and Development


二十一世紀初,香港因應社會的發展而進行教育改革o 在課程方面·2004年香港課程發展議會先後頒布《中國語文課程指引> (小一至小六)、《小學中國語文建議學習重點:建議學習重點> (試用本)及《新修訂小學中國語文課程﹒學習單元設計示例> (樣本)等文件。2008年12月教育局課程發展處中國語文教育組出版(小學中國語文校本課程及學習單元設計示例﹒理念篇〉及《小學中國語文校本課程及學習單元設計示例﹒實踐篇〉本文根據系統論、學科論、能力結構論、認知論及課程論,再參考課程指引中學習目標、課程組織等觀點來評論理念篇中的一些語文校本課程概念,並借此機會與香港教育統育局課程發展處中國語文教育組商榷;更希望語文教育工作者關注這些問題,深化語文課程改革的建設工作o研究發現,理念篇的校本課程規劃大多是一些比較宏觀的原則,多數是一般性而較少針對|笠,所以問題較難浮現出來。至於在學習單元編訂與如何組織學習單元,以至一些示例和圖表等,就出現不少概念不清、結構不全、關係不明、欠缺理據、隨意性強等問題。如果理念篇能清晰界定語文科的內涵和性質,再按課程指引中能力訓練為主導,兼顧情意的取向,就可以論證並建構能力與情意的元素和結構,以確定小學階段學習語文的能力數量和情意範疇,這樣就不會出現上述的缺失。
At the beginning of 21 st century, a series of educational reforms were enacted in accordance with societal developments. The Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council issued the Chinese Language Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 to Primary 6), Primary School Chinese Language Learningrecommendations (Amendment trial version), and The Revised Primary School Chinese Language Curriculum: Learning Modules Design (sample). For the Chinese language education section, the curriculum development institute, education bureau of Hong Kong, published the Primary Chinese Language Courses and Learning Module Design: Theory and Primaη Chinese Language Courses and Learning Module Design: Practice. This study evaluates the concepts in the Primary Chinese Language Courses and Learning Module Design: Theory from the perspectives of system theory,subject theory, structure of ideology, cognitive theory, and curriculum the structure﹒ Additional factors ,such as learning objectives and curriculum structure, in the Chinese Language Curriculum Guideare examined. The author elucidates these issues for Chinese language educators to improve Chinese language curriculum reform.This study shows that school-based curriculum planning in the PrimaηI Chinese Language Courses and Learning Module Design: TheoηI is too general and does not provide answers for specific problems. Most teaching problems, therefore, are not explained or discussed in the book.This leads to unclear concepts, incomplete learning structures, and illogicalities in the design and structure of the learning modules and in the organization of the illustrations and graphs. The results of this study suggest that these problems can be solved if the Primary Chinese Language Courses and Learning Module Design: Theory clearly defines the nature of Chinese language curriculum and focuses on skill-based training in the curriculum guide.






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