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本研究旨在探究學生對線上廣泛閱讀的觀感以及使用線上閱讀系統─Scholastic Learning Zone的閱讀經驗。同時,藉由此研究探討線上廣泛閱讀對於國中生英文閱讀能力的影響。研究參與者為新竹縣28位七年級國中生,在為期21週的研究中,每週於班上進行一次30分鐘的線上閱讀及15分鐘的小組討論(其中3週寒假在家自行閱讀)。在研究中,學生可以在Literacy Pro Library和BookFlix兩個閱讀系統上選擇自己喜歡的書大量閱讀。本研究收集的資料包括問卷、前後測結果、閱讀系統報告、月考成績排名、閱讀回饋單以及教師反思記錄,並以質性和量化的方法分析。 研究結果顯示大部分學生對於線上廣泛閱讀都持有正面的看法,也表示未來再次使用Scholastic Learning Zone閱讀的高度意願。另外,學生的班級段考成績與別班相較之下名次雖略有進步,前後測的閱讀檢定結果卻無顯著變化,其原因可能為研究時間短,在這21週的研究當中,學生真正閱讀時間約為8.25小時,再加上學生沒有閱讀符合自己程度的書,在閱讀時反而會以插圖、動畫為主,因此,學生閱讀能力的進步有限,導致前後測的結果沒有明顯的差異。本研究建議國中英語教師在課堂上長時間實施線上廣泛閱讀,以提升學生對英文閱讀的興趣,並培養閱讀的習慣。
The present study aims at investigating junior high school students’ perceptions of English online extensive reading (ER) and their experiences of using the English online reading program, Scholastic Learning Zone. Also, the effects of English online extensive reading on their English reading proficiency are explored. In this 21-week study (including 3 weeks’ winter vacation, when students read by themselves at home), 28 seventh graders in Hsinchu County were recruited. They spent 30 minutes on reading and 15 minutes in discussion in class per week. They were encouraged to choose the books they liked and read as much as possible on two reading systems, Literacy Pro Library and BookFlix. The data were collected from the questionnaire, the pretest and posttest, the Scholastic Literacy Pro reports, the class rankings of monthly exams, the reading logs, and the teacher’s reflective journals. The results showed that the participants had positive perceptions of English online ER and demonstrated their willingness to read on Scholastic Learning Zone in the future. In addition, although the class rankings in the monthly exams increased slightly in comparison with other classes, the pretest and posttest of their Lexile scores did not show significant difference. One of the possible reasons might be the short time span of the study. During the 21-week study, the average amount of reading time of every participant was about 8.25 hours. In addition, the participants did not choose suitable books to read and relied too much on the pictures and animations. It is suggested that English online ER can be implemented in junior high schools in Taiwan for a longer timeframe to help them cultivate interest in reading and form a reading habit.



線上廣泛閱讀, 閱讀理解, 行動研究, online extensive reading, reading comprehension, action research





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