

隨著金融機構合併法、金融控股公司法之通過,再加上政府積極鼓勵銀行同業合併,推動金融改革政策,明訂2006年完成金融控股公司(金控)整併計劃,將金控家數減半。為了因應政府的政策、達到經濟規模、降低成本、提高市場佔有率等因素,金融業掀起合併風,競爭更趨白熱化,與金融機構合併之相關議題,相繼成為深入研究之緣起,然合併成敗之關鍵乃在於人力資源的規劃與調適。 本研究以金融控股公司旗下銀行子公司合併後員工為研究對象,在提出一影響銀行子公司合併後員工組織承諾之整合模式,針對其知覺組織支持、組織社會化對工作滿足與組織承諾之影響進行研究,並運用t 檢定、變異數分析、迴歸分析、及LISREL 分析等方法來進行實證,並驗證本研究所提出之各項假設。 本研究的主要研究結果有:(1)整體而言,本研究整體理論模式配置符合可接受的適合度檢定水準,表示本研究的理論模型可獲得支持,故這四個構念間確實存在著影響關係。(2)銀行子公司合併後員工知覺組織支持會直接影響組織社會化程度。(3)員工知覺組織支持會直接影響工作滿足程度。(4)員工知覺組織支持會直接影響組織承諾程度。(5)員工工作滿足對知覺組織支持和組織承諾有中介效果。(6)員工組織社會化會直接影響工作滿足程度。(7)員工組織社會化會直接影響組織承諾程度。(8)員工工作滿足對組織社會化會和組織承諾有中介效果。(9)員工工作滿足會直接影響組織承諾程度。
Accompanied by the enactment of the law of Financial Holding Companies and the law Governing Merger of Financial Institutions, government takes active role in encouraging mergers and acquistions among financial institutions. Goal of financial reformation has been set to cut the number of financial holding companies into half by year 2006. Financial institutions take a hike on this trend one by one to comply with government policy, achive economy of scale, lower operation costs, and increase market share, etc. As a consequence, competitions become fierce among the merged and aquiring party. Furtherresearch on issues surrounding M&A, thus, has become broad interests to researchers and practitioners. HR planning and adjustment inevitably hold the key leading to a successful M&A deal. Employees of the merged banking subsidiary of financial holding company have been selected to be the sample of this study. Using t-test, ANOVA, regression and LISREL to analysis and verify the relation of perceived organizational support, organizational socialization, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment in the research. It is alsoexpected that the “LISREL” could be further adopted to establish the cause and effect model. The findings of this study include: (1) As a whole, the configuration of the entire theoretical model in this research conforms to acceptable appropriateness test standard, which means the theoretical model of this research is supported. Therefore, these four concepts do influence with each other. (2) Perceived organizational support of employees after M&A has positive and direct influence on organizational socialization. (3) Perceived organizational support of employees after M&A has positive and direct influence on job satisfaction. (4) Perceived organizational support of employees after M&A has positive and direct influence on organizational commitment. (5) Job satisfaction of employees after M&A is the intervening variable between perceived organizational support and organizational commitment. (6) Organizational socialization of employees after M&A has positive and direct influence on job satisfaction. (7) Organizational socialization of employees after M&A has positive and direct influence on organizational commitment. (8) Job satisfaction of employees after M&A is the intervening variable between organizational socialization and organizational commitment. (9) Job satisfaction of employees after M&A has positive and direct influence on organizational commitment.



知覺組織支持, 組織社會化, 工作滿足, 組織承諾, Perceived organizational support, Organizational socialization, Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment





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