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本研究的目的在於瞭解臺北市國中學生選讀合作式技藝教育學程之相關因素,旨在探討「性別」、「學業成績」、「父母社經地位」、「教師期望」、「同儕影響」、「父母期望」、「自我期望」、「價值觀」及「學習態度」等,在選讀合作式技藝教育學程之意願及過程上之影響。為達研究目的,首先蒐集相關文獻,以建立本研究之理論基礎,並採用自編之「臺北市國中學生選讀合作式技藝教育學程之相關因素問卷」為工具,以叢集抽樣的方式進行研究,選取十所開辦技藝教育學程之高中職,共計發出500份正式問卷,回收427份,剔除無效問卷後,有效問卷共計412份,並將獲得之資料,運用次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、皮爾森積差相關、φ相關、列聯相關、T考驗、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、費雪事後比較等統計分法進行分析討論。本研究獲得以下結論:
This paper aimed to realize the relevant factors of the optional courses of the cooperative practical education in junior high schools in Taipei City and to explore the impact of gender, academic achievement, parental socio-economical status, teacher expectations, peer influence, parental expectations, self-expectations, values and learning attitude on the will and process during taking the optional cooperative practical education courses. The related literature was collected to build the theoretical basis. The study adopted the self-edited ‘Questionnaire for the relevant factors of the optional practical education courses in junior high schools in Taipei City’ and was processed via cluster sampling. We chose ten vocational and senior high schools opening the practical education courses. 500 formal questionnaires were delivered and 427 were retrieved. The valid questionnaires totaled 412 via excluding the invalid ones. The data were processed via statistical methods like frequency distribution, percentage, a mean, standard deviation, Pearson product-moment correlation, φ (phi) correlation, contingency correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Fisher’s post-hoc comparison, etc. The following conclusions were attained:1. processing cooperative practical education courses positively in Taipei city 2. ‘gender’ and ‘academic achievement’ are the vital factors affecting the choice of vocational category in the optional cooperative practical education courses in junior high schools; 3. ‘teacher expectations’ and ‘peer influence’ among school factors are the vital factors affecting the optional cooperative practical education courses in junior high schools; 4. ‘parental expectations’ among family factors is the vital factor affecting the optional cooperative practical education courses in junior high schools; 5. ‘self-expectations’, ‘values’ and ‘learning attitude’ among personal factors are the vital factors affecting the optional cooperative practical education courses in junior high schools.6. ‘parents’ economic position’ are not the vital factors affecting the optional cooperative practical education courses in junior high schools Key words: practical education, cooperative practical education courses, teacher expectations, peer influence, parental expectations, self-expectations, values, learning attitude
This paper aimed to realize the relevant factors of the optional courses of the cooperative practical education in junior high schools in Taipei City and to explore the impact of gender, academic achievement, parental socio-economical status, teacher expectations, peer influence, parental expectations, self-expectations, values and learning attitude on the will and process during taking the optional cooperative practical education courses. The related literature was collected to build the theoretical basis. The study adopted the self-edited ‘Questionnaire for the relevant factors of the optional practical education courses in junior high schools in Taipei City’ and was processed via cluster sampling. We chose ten vocational and senior high schools opening the practical education courses. 500 formal questionnaires were delivered and 427 were retrieved. The valid questionnaires totaled 412 via excluding the invalid ones. The data were processed via statistical methods like frequency distribution, percentage, a mean, standard deviation, Pearson product-moment correlation, φ (phi) correlation, contingency correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Fisher’s post-hoc comparison, etc. The following conclusions were attained:1. processing cooperative practical education courses positively in Taipei city 2. ‘gender’ and ‘academic achievement’ are the vital factors affecting the choice of vocational category in the optional cooperative practical education courses in junior high schools; 3. ‘teacher expectations’ and ‘peer influence’ among school factors are the vital factors affecting the optional cooperative practical education courses in junior high schools; 4. ‘parental expectations’ among family factors is the vital factor affecting the optional cooperative practical education courses in junior high schools; 5. ‘self-expectations’, ‘values’ and ‘learning attitude’ among personal factors are the vital factors affecting the optional cooperative practical education courses in junior high schools.6. ‘parents’ economic position’ are not the vital factors affecting the optional cooperative practical education courses in junior high schools Key words: practical education, cooperative practical education courses, teacher expectations, peer influence, parental expectations, self-expectations, values, learning attitude
技藝教育, 合作式技藝教育學程, 教師期望, 同儕影響, 父母期望, 自我期望, 價值觀, 學習態度, practical education, cooperative practical education courses, teacher expectations, peer influence, parental expectations, self-expectations, values, learning attitude