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目的:探討在相同運動時間與平均強度下,比較固定強度與變動強度運動在能量消耗上的差異。方法:以12名大學健康男生為受試對象(年齡23.8±0.7歲、身高174.1±4.5公分、體重70.4±8.9公斤、最大攝氧量58.0±4.4 ml/kg/min、最大心跳率196.1±7.9 beats/min),本研究採重複量數設計,以平衡次序法先後進行平均運動強度為65% VO2max的固定強度(CON)、高變低強度 (H-L)與低變高強度運動(L-H),每次運動測驗至少間隔2天。最後資料再以單因子變異數分析進行統計分析。結果:CON、H-L與L-H在運動中的平均攝氧量、換氣量、心跳率、呼吸交換率與自覺努力程度皆無差異(p > .05)。在恢復期的能量消耗,H-L顯著高於CON與L-H (p< .05),但在總能量消耗上,三組卻無顯著差異(p > .05)。結論:(1)當運動時間相同且平均強度一致時,固定強度與變動強度在運動中的生理反應是相同。(2)運動結束的強度會直接影響恢復期的攝氧量。因此,變動強度運動可以影響恢復期的能量消耗,但對於總能量消耗的影響不大。
Purpose: The study aims at finding out the difference between constant and variable intensity (high to low, H-L ; low to high, L-H) exercises on energy consumption, provided the duration and the average intensity are the same. Methods: The subjects of the study are all healthy male college students (age: 23.8±0.7, height 174.1±4.5 cm, weight: 70.4±8.9 kg, VO2max: 58.0±4.4 ml/kg/min and HRmax:196.1±7.9 beats/min). Subjects performed 30 minutes of treadmill running at 65% VO2max with CON, L-H and H-L. Tests were all carried out two days away from the previous ones. The collected data was analyzed with one-way ANOVA. Results: The results show that in terms of VO2, VE, HR, RER and RPE, the differences between CON, H-L and L-H are insignificant (p > .05). In terms of energy consumption during recovery, L-H is significantly higher than CON and H-L (p< .05). However, in terms of total energy consumption, no significant difference has been found among the three groups (p > .05). Conclusions: (1) With the same duration and average intensity, no significant difference on energy consumption is found between constant intensity exercise and the variable counterparts (H-L & L-H). (2) The ending intensity of the exercise has a direct impact on VO2 during recovery. As a result, variable intensity exercise may influence the energy consumption during recovery, but in terms of the total energy consumption, the influence is only moderate.



固定強度, 變動強度, 能量消耗, 運動後超額攝氧量, constant intensity, variable intensity, energy expenditure, EPOC





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