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課程是教育的核心,認同臺灣本土、臺灣優先、以臺灣為主體的教育目標,在近十餘年來已逐漸形成社會的主流價值,推動臺灣本土教育課程改革絕對有其重要性,如何運作課程改革藉以落實本土教育理想的達成,如何促使學校與教師幫助學生習得生活化與本土化的課程,教導愛護自己生長的土地,培養在地關懷的特殊情感,建立正確的本土認同,此為本研究關注的重點。 基於此,本研究的目的有五:第一,蠡探臺灣本土教育的理念及其內涵;第二,瞭解臺灣本土教育課程改革政策的興革與發展;第三,分析臺灣本土教育課程改革的重要議題;第四,歸納臺灣本土教育課程改革的問題與影響因素;第五,綜合研究結果提出課程改革的相關建議。為達成上述目的,本研究主要採訪談法,並輔以文件分析法。 本研究依據研究發現,歸納重要結論如下: 一、本土教育是教育的核心內容,鄉土教育是實踐本土教育的基礎,而全球教育必須建立在本土教育的基礎之上。 二、臺灣本土教育的理念係以全體臺灣人民為教育的主體,重視臺灣主體、回歸教育的本質、「由近而遠,再回到近」的參照觀。 三、本土教育課程改革強調以學生為學習的主體所進行的課程改革,其課程內涵是保持中立的、關心多元文化的、省思後殖民境況的、符合學生需求的。 四、本土教育課程改革政策的推動,係受到解嚴後各項因素帶來的影響;其目的在深化本土認同、發揚臺灣主體、凝聚生命共同體、提升國家競爭力。 五、本土教育課程改革政策有:鄉土課程標準的修訂、本土教育委員會的設立、擬訂教育施政主軸政策、設置大學相關系所、編修相關參考資料庫等。 六、本土教育課程改革重要議題有:課程綱要修訂、教科書問題、鄉土語言課程與教學的問題;爭議重點主要為「去中國化」、內容比例、意識型態等。 七、國小推動「社會行動取向學校課程發展」及「社區總體營造學校課程發展」,惟是否達成本土教育課程改革與發展之目的,值得檢討與批判。 八、臺灣本土教育面臨的常見問題有:關懷不足、認知偏差、認識不夠、政策不定、人才缺乏、師資不足、教材混亂、資料貧乏、及其他等問題。 九、臺灣本土教育課程改革的影響因素,主要來自:社會氣氛的轉變、民間團體的影響、執政黨的影響力、行政首長的理念、大學教育機構及學者專家的主張、民意代表的介入等。
After the Taiwanese government lifted the curfew in 1987, different fields, such as politics, society, economy, democratization, pluralism, and liberalization have been discussed day by day. This deregulation made Taiwanese aware of their identity. Therefore, a series of reforms for indigenization rised. The education field was influenced by it, so the local government in Taiwan had promoted a series of educational reforms. After 1990, Ministry of Education began to plan national indigenous educational policies. There were two purposes for the learners. First, to know Taiwan deeply. Second, to promote the educational goals of "the indigenization of Taiwan", "the consciousness of Taiwan", and "the subjectivity of Taiwan". Indigenous education now is acknowledged as one of the most important educational issues, especially in Taiwan. This essay aimed to study the curriculum reform of indigenous education in Taiwan, including its developmental backgrounds, conceptual frameworks, and curricular reforms. The main research methods were interview method and document analysis. Five main purposes were as follows. Firstly, to explore the conceptions and contents of indigenous education in Taiwan. Secondly, to realize policy reform and developmental situation for Taiwan indigenous education. Thirdly, to analyze the importment issues, such as curriculum guildline, textbook edition questions, curriculum and teaching, and so on. The forth, to set up some questions and influential factors for indigenous curriculum reforms. Finally, to offer some suggestions based on the research conclusions.



臺灣, 本土, 本土教育, 課程改革, Taiwan, indigenization, indigenous education, curriculum reform





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