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摘 要 本研究以校長「活水讀書會會」為研究對象,研究目的為探討校長讀書會持續經營的原因,形塑學習型組織的經驗,以及校長參與讀書會對自我成長與經營學校的影響。研究採用質性研究法,以深度訪談為主,加上實地參與觀察和文件資料蒐集等方法,分析、檢核、討論與分析,獲致以下結論: 一、活水讀書會會持續經營的原因 (一)團體歸屬感與情感支持;(二)心靈成長改變價值觀;(三)知識可以實際被應用;(四)情緒抒壓;(五)拓展人際關係資源共享;(六)典範學習;(七)智慧共享富使命感。 二、校長參與讀書會對自我成長的影響 (一)自我層次提升;(二)心靈成長擴大視野;(三)提升情緒管理的能力;(四)自信心增強;(五)建立終身學習的習慣。 三、校長讀書會形塑學習型組織的經驗 透過「知識分享」、「人際互動」、「專業對話」、「校務討論」進行五項修練。 四、校長參與讀書會對經營學校的影響 (一)專業知能提升、策略、方法多元運用、彈性領導;(二)建立正確價值觀、反思、提升解決問題的能力;(三)夥伴關係增加經營學校的成效;(四)拓展人際關係資源共享;(五)表達、說理、論述能力增強。 依據研究結論提出以下建議: 一、對經營校長讀書會的建議 (一)目的與定位應更清楚;(二)建立規範;(三)方式宜更加多元;(四)落實小組討論及交叉辯證;(五)訂目標與願景;(六)注重傳承。 二、對後續研究的建議 (一)研究對象方面:採取不同研究方法,探討可能發生的各種狀況、原因及解決方法。 (二)研究範圍方面:依不同地區做不同的比較與研究,對理論基礎和研究內容深入探討,以提升廣度與深度。 關鍵詞:校長讀書會、學習型組織、校長領導、自我成長
Abstract Taking “running water study circle” as main example, this research focus on exploring the reasons of continuously operation of the school principal study circle, the valuable experience of forming learning organization and the influence on the school principals’ self improvement and the profit of school management after she or he participated in study circle.The qualitative method is used in this research and deep interviews are relied on widely. Through some field works, document reading and date analysis and cases studies, the conclusions of this research are gained as follow: 1. The reasons for the continuous operation of “running water study circle” are as follows: (1) Deputations belonging and emotional support. (2) Mind grows change values. (3) Knowledge can actually be used. (4) Emotional relief. (5) Develop interpersonal connections and share resources. (6) Model study . (7) Intelligence sharing and having a sense of mission. 2. The influences on self improvement of school principal who participating in study circle: (1) Raise the level of one-self. (2) Helping her or his mind grow and expanding their view horizons. (3)Enhance the ability of emotional controlling.(4) Improve self-confidence. (5) Establish the habit of lifelong learning. 3. Through five practitioners, "knowledge sharing", "interpersonal interaction", "professional dialogue" and "school business discussion", school principals form learning organization. 4. School principal participated in study circle will make affection on their school management in different ways, such as: (1) promote their professional knowledge and skill, multiple use in strategies and methods and flexible leadership. (2) Establish the positive values system, reflection and improve their abilities to solve problems. (3) Applying partnership to increase the effectiveness of school management. (4) Expanding the interpersonal relationship and sharing resources. (5) Increasing the abilities of expression, raising reasonable argument and making logical discussion. Base on the conclusions gained from this research, some constructive suggestions may be bring out as follow: 1. Advices to the operation of principal study circle: (1) Clarify the purpose and positioning. (2) Make clear and consistent rules to promote the implementation of consistency. (3) Way should be more diverse. (4) Practice group discussions and cross-dialectical regularly and sincerely. (5) Setting annual goals and drawing a bright future perspective. (6) Pay attention to inheritance.2. Recommendations to follow-up studies: (1) The object of the study: taking different methods to explore the variety of conditions, causes and solutions. (2) The scope of the study: According to different regions to do different comparative study. The theoretical basis and research content can be discussed further to enhance their breadth and depth.



校長讀書會, 學習型組織, 校長領導, 自我成長, principal’s study circle, learning organization, principal lead, self improve





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