

本研究旨在探討「哲學諮商理論及其在教育上的應用」,探究哲學諮商理論內容,並期使應用於教育場域中。哲學諮商是重返哲學傳統的活動,於1981年由德國哲學家Gerd Achenbach所發起。哲學諮商是由專業的哲學諮商師透過對話的方式,協助受人生問題困擾的並具有思考能力的當事人釐清問題的前提、邏輯關係,以當事人為中心並建立互為主體性的平等關係、以問題為基礎、保持開放的態度等原則,以促成當事人價值觀或世界觀的改變為目標。目前哲學諮商有不強調步驟的方法,如Achenbach強調「超越方法的方法」,或Lahav以世界觀的詮釋為主題、Cohen提出以邏輯基礎法釐清概念的架構、Tillmanns則將哲學諮商定位為以教育為基礎;然而亦有已發展明確步驟的哲學諮商法,如Marinoff發展的「寧靜法」(PEACE)、Raabe的四階段法、Anette Prins-Bakker的婚姻諮商六階段法、Hoogendijk以生涯哲學諮商為主題發展出「生命課程」、Segal則以四階段的探問使當事人釐清自己的價值觀。此外,在哲學諮商師的養成上,列舉美國、荷蘭、香港及我國的發展現況,並對於哲學諮商師的職業倫理上做了清晰的規範。哲學諮商在教育上可應用於學生輔導及教師輔導,一方面除透過培養教師進行哲學諮商的能力,教導學生哲學思考方式外,另一方面則可協助教師處理自身遭遇的問題,提供教育場域的問題另一種哲學式的解決方式。
Philosophical counseling began in 1981 when Dr. Gerd Achenbach opened his practice. Philosophical counseling involves a trained philosopher helping an individual deal with a problem or an issue that is of concern to that individual. Through a series of dialogues the philosophical counselor helps the client come to an awareness of hidden biases, unspoken assumptions, and conflicting values that may be preventing an inquiry into alternative perspectives that could help to ease the problem. The philosophical counselor sees individuals whose minds are sound but whose thinking is confused or obstructed. The philosophical counselor takes the approach that most individuals live by many unexamined assumptions and values that can affect thinking and behavior in puzzling or distressing ways. Philosophical counseling can be applied in education area, help students and teachers to think and act in a philosophical way.



哲學諮商, 互為主體性, 世界觀詮釋, 心理治療, 對話, philosophical counseling, inter-subjectivity, worldview interpretation, psychotherapy, dialogue





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