
dc.contributorHsiu-Lan Tienen_US
dc.contributor.authorPi-Yao Wangen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討現職非師範體系國中教師生涯轉換歷程,透過兩位教師生涯發展歷程的陳述,以及生涯轉換歷程脈絡圖的呈現,萃取與其生涯發展相關的生命主題。 本研究以半結構的深度訪談方式進行資料的收集,採敘事研究,以故事為主要的呈現方式,來建構述說者的經驗。並分別以「整體—內容」、「類別—內容」來分析敘說者的生命故事,以及萃取他們的生命經驗、生命主題。結果分二大部分呈現如下: 一、 兩位研究參與者與生涯相關的生命主題 (一)順子老師的生命主題包括「追求穩定的工作、穩定的收入」、「充分準備後,窮則變,變則通,不通則另闢戰場」、「認份的面對困境」、「透過溝通,幫人解決問題」、「透過影像,省思過去、現在與未來」。 (二)意青老師的生命主題包括「與生涯楷模學習」、「不服輸的個性」、「依工作需求,不斷充實相關知能」、「重視人與人之間的溝通協調」、「要為服務單位創造利潤」、「不斷向上竄升,創造更好的社會、經濟環境」。 二、 生涯轉換過程中的相關因素 (一)「個人動力」因素對生涯轉換的催化包括,(1)與前一個工作的適配度降低(2)自覺該穩定下來了(3)靈活變通,不畏懼改變的特質(4)奮發向上的個性以及對工作忠誠的價值觀(5)正向的自我內言。前三項為兩人共通因素,後兩項為個人因素。 (二)「家庭」因素在生涯轉換歷程中所扮演的角色包括,(1)家庭經濟結構的影響(2)家庭成員的助力與阻力。 (三)「社會環境」因素對生涯轉換的影響包括,(1)學歷決定階層與薪水的現實(2)不同的社會潮流對生涯轉換的影響(3)高職的萎縮。 最後根據研究結果進行討論,並提出建議與反思。 關鍵詞:非師範體系國中教師、生涯轉換、敘事研究zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this study was to explore the career transitions of the teachers who were not graduated from the Normal Educational system . According to the presentation of the narration of the two participants’ career development process and the thread of the career transition process , some life themes are extracted . This study used semi-structured deep interviews to collect data. The interviews were taped, transcribed, and analyzed by narrative analysis procedure. The interview data were presented with “stories” which construct the two participants’ experiences. Their life stories are then analyzed by “holistic-content” and “categorical-content” perspectives of the narrative analysis. Their life experiences and life themes were also extracted and presented. The results of this study were as follows in two parts : 1. The life themes about career of the two participants (1) The life themes of the first participant , Shun-Zi , were “seeking a stable job and stable income”, “preparing adequately and changing flexibly when it doesn’t work ”, “accepting the straits”, “helping people solve their problems by communicating ”, “reflecting the past, the present, the future by the portraits”. (2) The life themes of the second participant , Yi-Ching , were “learning with the career models”, “never taking defeat lying down”, “following the need of the job, keeping on enriching related knowledge”, “attaching importance to interpersonal communicating”, “creating profit for your company”, and “striving higher to create better social and economic environment ”. 2. The related factors for career transitions (1) Personal factors: (a) the adjustment with the ex-job becoming lower, (b) considering to be stable, (c) changing themselves flexibly and never be afraid of changing, (d) striving higher and always be royal to the company, and (e) positive inner talk. (2) Family factors: (a) the influence of the family economic structure, and (b) the obstacle and help from family members, (3) Social environmental factors: (a) the educational background deciding the social stratum and the salary, (b) the influence of different social trends, and (c) the reduction of vocational high schools. Finally, the integral discussion was made according to the results of the study. Suggestions and self-reflections were also provided. Keywords : teachers who were not graduated from Normal Educational system, career transition, narrative researchen_US
dc.subjectteachers who were not graduated from Normal Educational systemen_US
dc.subjectcareer transitionen_US
dc.subjectnarrative researchen_US
dc.titleCareer transitions of the teachers who were not graduated from the Normal Educational system- A narrative analysisen_US

