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誕生在專制政治轉向民主自由之動盪時代的維拉.羅伯斯 ( Heitor Villa-Lobos, 1887-1959 ) ,創作的作品兼具強烈的本土節奏與融合異國風味,來表達對祖國的熱愛。維拉.羅伯斯與朋友一同參加聚會,認識第一任鋼琴家妻子—露西莉亞.奎瑪雷斯 ( Lucília Guimarães, 1886-1966 ) ,於是開始大量創作鋼琴作品,風格也轉變成古典作曲型態。在葡萄牙殖民的時代,巴西的人口結構與文化開始產生變化。當地的印第安部落為開端,到後來引進的非洲黑奴,隨著時間的變遷,非洲文化、歐洲文化開始與印第安文化產生交集。維拉.羅伯斯在這麼多元化的背景下成長,創作出覆有獨特風格的作品,《娃娃家族組曲》第一冊 ( A Prole do Bebê Vol. 1, 1918 ) 便是成名之作。筆者以維拉.羅伯斯的生平及創作背景開始敘述;以《娃娃家族組曲》第一冊之作品進行分析,並在彈奏技巧上深入解析與研究,希望能更貼近作曲家之原意。
Born during the time when authoritarianism was changing to democratic freedom, Heitor Villa-Lobos ( 1887-1959 ) created works that combined strong local rhythms with exotic flavors to express his love for his country. Villa-Lobos met his first wife, Lucília Guimarães ( 1886-1966 ) , who was a pianist, at a party with friends and subsequently started to compose numerous piano works and changed his style to classical composition.The demographic structure and culture of Brazil began to change during the Portuguese colonial era. Starting with the local Indian tribes, and later with the introduction of African slaves, over time, African and European cultures began to intersect with Indian culture. Villa-Lobos was raised in this diverse landscape and created works with a distinctive style, including A Prole do Bebê Vol. 1, which became a masterpiece.The author began with Villa-Lobos's life and composition background, and analyzed the work in the A Prole do Bebê Vol. 1, and conducted an in-depth analysis and study of the playing techniques in the hope of understanding the composer's original intentions more closely.
Born during the time when authoritarianism was changing to democratic freedom, Heitor Villa-Lobos ( 1887-1959 ) created works that combined strong local rhythms with exotic flavors to express his love for his country. Villa-Lobos met his first wife, Lucília Guimarães ( 1886-1966 ) , who was a pianist, at a party with friends and subsequently started to compose numerous piano works and changed his style to classical composition.The demographic structure and culture of Brazil began to change during the Portuguese colonial era. Starting with the local Indian tribes, and later with the introduction of African slaves, over time, African and European cultures began to intersect with Indian culture. Villa-Lobos was raised in this diverse landscape and created works with a distinctive style, including A Prole do Bebê Vol. 1, which became a masterpiece.The author began with Villa-Lobos's life and composition background, and analyzed the work in the A Prole do Bebê Vol. 1, and conducted an in-depth analysis and study of the playing techniques in the hope of understanding the composer's original intentions more closely.
維拉.羅伯斯, 鋼琴作品, 娃娃家族組曲, Heitor Villa-Lobos, piano works, Prole do bebê Vol. Ⅰ