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  本研究旨在探究國中國文專家教師的閱讀教學理念、目標、閱讀教學策略及其具體步驟、閱讀教學策略實施的困境與因應之道,以及閱讀教學策略發展與轉變的歷程,最後歸納出影響專家教師閱讀教學知能發展的相關因素。為達成研究目的,研究者邀請四位國中國文專家教師參與研究,針對上述主題,以訪談、文件分析的方式個別進行深入的探究,並根據訪談資料的分析與討論,提出本研究的結論與建議。   本研究獲致的結論如下: 壹、國中國文專家教師的閱讀教學乃是以學生為教室的主體,參照各年級的認知理解程度,預為規劃適宜的閱讀教學目標。 貳、國中國文專家教師的閱讀教學策略多以課內的範文教學為進行閱讀指導的首要原則,然亦能搭配課外的延伸閱讀活動,進行閱讀策略的練習與深化。在實踐方面,教師會因應文本需要及學生需求,靈活運用多種閱讀教學策略,並有效結合閱讀與寫作的課程,藉由讀寫之間的有機聯繫,發揮閱讀教學的最大成效。 參、國中國文專家教師閱讀教學策略的發展,普遍歷經摸索、嘗試、轉化等三階段,其中輔導團的啟蒙、影響乃是關鍵;教師閱讀教學知能持續精進的三要素則在於教師個人的批判、反省力、自學能力與實踐能力。 肆、國中國文專家教師的閱讀教學乃是融會學科的知識與經驗,將閱讀的教材教法有條理地組織呈現,展現優異的教師效能;其閱讀教學同時具備專業態度、專業知能及專業成長等三向度,提供理想的語文教師圖像。
The purpose of this study is to explore the Chinese expert teachers of reading teaching conception, objectives, reading teaching strategies and concrete steps, the plight of the teaching strategies implemented in response to the road, and the process of development and transformation of teaching strategies, and finally sum up the relevant factors in the development of teaching knowledge. On the basis of the purposes, the researcher invited four Chinese expert teachers of junior high school to participate in this research, then the researcher interviewed the teachers about the above topics. The researcher proposed conclusions and suggestions from data analysis and discussions. The conclusions of this study are as follow: 1.The Chinese expert teachers of junior high school in reading instruction regarded students as the main body of the classroom, with reference to each grade the cognitive level of understanding for planning appropriate reading teaching objectives. 2. The Chinese expert teachers of junior high school regarded the teaching of reading strategies with curricular text teaching as the first principles of reading instruction, and also with extra-curricular extension of the reading activities to practice and deepen reading strategies. In practice, teachers is depended on the text, use of various teaching of reading strategies flexibly, and combine reading courses with writing courses by the organic link between the read and write, play the maximum effectiveness of reading instruction. 3.The development of reading teaching strategies of the Chinese expert teachers generally attempt into three stages, which the enlightenment of the counseling group is the key influence. The continuous improvement of teachers' reading instruction is owing to the personal criticism, the self-learning ability and the practical ability. 4. The reading instruction of Chinese expert teachers in junior high school is the mix of knowledge and experience of the subjects. They can organize reading teaching materials and methods systematically, and present excellent teacher effectiveness. Their teaching of reading with a professional attitude, professional knowledge and professional growth, provide an ideal language teachers’ image.



國文專家教師, 閱讀教學, 閱讀策略, Chinese expert teachers, Reading instruction, Reading strategy





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