

採行、強化司法違憲審查制度,堪稱當今憲政民主國家共同發展的軌跡。釋憲機關作為憲法的守護者,在權威解釋憲法,審查、宣告其他國家機關行為是否「合憲」時,必然面臨分寸拿捏的問題,亦即對於憲法上平行的其他國家機關(立法、行政等政治部門)之決策,應給予如何之尊重?質言之,大法官對於繫屬中之違憲疑義案件究應積極介入、嚴格審查,抑或消極尊重其他國家機關之決定,放寬審查,而介入程度及界限又如何,是否有統一之規範脈絡可循,又是否有類型化操作之可能,實有予以深入探討及釐清之必要,此即本文所欲探討之「司法違憲審查標準」之問題。此外,本於台灣民主化之發展及當代人權意識高漲,本文擬將大法官違憲審查標準之標的聚焦於人權保障案例,故國家機關間涉及權力分立之爭議案件不在本文研究範圍之列,僅在必要處稍加提及,倂此敘明。 釋憲機關運用何種違憲審查標準審理案件,向來是實務引導學界之走勢,此觀諸美國及德國之經驗即可窺知ㄧ二,無論是美式的三重審查標準或德式的比例原則搭配三重審查密度皆然,而我國第七屆大法官釋憲實務(釋字567至釋字633)已有參酌美、德之實務經驗來操作審查標準之軌跡出現,是故本文將從美、德實務經驗紮根,再進一步針對第七屆大法官審理涉及平等權及自由權所運用之審查標準加以闡釋分析,以期能釐清大法官選擇審查標準所持之理由及具體的適用結果,並於最後建構平等權及自由權案例審查標準的體系,以供參考。
Nowadays Using and Strengthening judicial review of constitutionality institution was pass for common development direction of constitutional democracies. This article aims to discuss the standards of judicial review, which the seventh session of the grand justices judge the cases about equality and freedom. In addition, based on the development of Taiwan democratization and contemporary human rights consciousness, this article focus on the human rights safeguard cases on the standards of judicial review by the grand justices. Firstly, the author will discuss the legitimacy of judicial review by Alexander Bickel, John Ely and Bruce Ackerman. Secondly, the author will investigate American’s three distinct models of judicial scrutiny and Germany's proportion principle match three distinct models of judicial scrutiny, which can lays the foundation. Thirdly, the author will analysis the standards of judicial review in ROC constitutional court about cases of equality and freedom, which seeks the development vein. Finally, the author will construct the standards of judicial review on equality and freedom cases to provide the reference.



第七屆大法官, 司法違憲審查標準, 三重審查標準, 比例原則, 三重審查密度, 平等權, 自由權, the Seventh Session of the Grand Justices, the Standards of Judicial Review, Three Distinct Models of Judicial Scrutiny, Proportion Principle, Three Distinct Models of Judicial Scrutiny, Equality, Freedom





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