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HAPS(High Altitude Platform Station)為一運作在高公21公里處的高空平台,主要用於傳送寬頻應用,以及分碼多重存取 (code division multiple access,CDMA)為基礎的國際行動通訊系統-2000(IMT-2000)無線通訊,其頻帶分別為毫米波段和第三代行動通訊(3G)頻帶。本論首先主要研究在於HAPS系統的不穩定造成細胞在下鏈與上鏈容量的改變,提出兩種天線型式探討HAPS系統位移時對CDMA細胞系統的上鏈與下鏈容量的影響和細胞服務範圍受改變的大小,並且在下鏈部份應用碼的正交因子來說明對容量的改變。而後第二部份利用波束在地面的真實投影計算每個細胞主波束的投射位置,建構出無縫隙系統,並以最佳化理論計算各個細胞最佳的容量,比較最佳化前後的系統容量差異。最後一部份以多架HAPS系統擴大服務範圍,利用兩種通道模型simplified通道模型與Rice-lognormal通道模型計算細胞各層的容量,並且分析比較兩種通道模型所得結果之差異。
High altitude platform stations (HAPSs) operate at an altitude of about 21 km. They are widely known as a new means to provide both broadband applications and code division multiple access (CDMA)-based international mobile telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) communications using millimeter wave and third generation (3G) bands, respectively. In this thesis, we firstly consider the impact of platform displacement on both the uplink and downlink capacity and the cell deployment movement under two types of antennas. The orthogonality factor is applied in the calculation of the downlink capacity. Secondly, we build up a seamless HAPS system model under real beam projection on the ground. The cell capacity is then calculated using optimization theory. Finally, multiple-HAPS systems are used to enlarge service area. Two kinds of channel models are taken into consideration: a simplified channel model and a Rice-lognormal channel model. The uplink capacityis compared and analyzed under these two kinds of channel model.
High altitude platform stations (HAPSs) operate at an altitude of about 21 km. They are widely known as a new means to provide both broadband applications and code division multiple access (CDMA)-based international mobile telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) communications using millimeter wave and third generation (3G) bands, respectively. In this thesis, we firstly consider the impact of platform displacement on both the uplink and downlink capacity and the cell deployment movement under two types of antennas. The orthogonality factor is applied in the calculation of the downlink capacity. Secondly, we build up a seamless HAPS system model under real beam projection on the ground. The cell capacity is then calculated using optimization theory. Finally, multiple-HAPS systems are used to enlarge service area. Two kinds of channel models are taken into consideration: a simplified channel model and a Rice-lognormal channel model. The uplink capacityis compared and analyzed under these two kinds of channel model.
高空平台, 分碼多重存取, 上鏈, 下鏈, 最佳化理論, High altitude platform stations (HAPSs), code division multiple access (CDMA), uplink, downlink, optimization theory