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本文依據Trosborg (1994)的框架為主要分析架構,抱怨言語行為由抱怨主行為(complaint; heat act)、指示性行為(directive act)為核心,內部修飾語(internal modification)與外部修飾語(external modification)為修飾成分。根據實際語料在抱怨主行為中新增「放棄抱怨」(opting out);母語者最主要以間接歸咎(indirect attribution)為主,其次為直接批評(direct criticism)。對話者之間的親疏程度與性別左右策略的使用,同性之間較為直接。各策略形式不一,主要取決於意義與情境中的使用情況。內部修飾語,特別在單音節副詞與句末語助詞的使用上,突顯漢語母語者主觀的情態(modality)。
在學習者部分,高級程度的漢語學習者趨近於母語者,而中級程度的學習者則多使用直接批評,顯示學習者仍未掌握好語義分類(semantic formula)。且學習者無法如母語者般在不同親疏程度的情況當中,選用相對應的適宜策略。在達到抱怨目的時,學習者呈現U-shape的中介語重組連續面情況,因此未能充分運用指示性行為,達到預期的結果。在外部修飾語則較母語者使用比例高,顯示學習者的抱怨主行為與指示性行為不夠明確,無法確定自己的抱怨與訴求,是否能讓聽話者了解,因此使用許多外部修飾語,企圖緩和或加重語言力量。內部修飾語上,學習者整體而言仍不如母語者的多,特別是單音節副詞與句末語助詞的使用明顯匱乏。學習者也出現個別差異,可能因其他外語習得經驗過度使用句末語助詞。
This thesis is based on the framework of Trosborg (1994). A speech act of complaints consists of complaints (head act) and directive acts as the core, external modifications and internal modifications as adjuncts. In practice, there is an additional "opting out" strategy often manifested in complaints. The most frequent strategy employed by native speakers of Mandarin living in Taiwan is "indirect attribution." The second is "direct criticism." The relationship and gender of interlocutors influence their complaint strategies. Interlocutors of the same gender tend to be more direct with each other. Each strategy has multiple forms depending on intended meaning and situation. Modality is discussed in the context of internal modification. Native Mandarin speakers' attitudes and volitions are frequently expressed through monosyllabic adverbs and sentence-end particles. Compared to native English language speakers, advanced Mandarin learners’ complaints bear similarities to those of native Taiwanese speakers of Mandarin. However, the intermediate-level Mandarin learners use "direct criticism" more frequently than native speakers. This is evidence that intermediate-level learners can not distinguish semantically between complaints and criticisms. Intermediate-level learners fail to choose appropriate strategies in various relationships and situations. Learners do not use appropriate directive acts -- demonstrating a U-shape (restructuring continuum of interlanguage). Also, intermediate learners use more external modifications than native speakers because learners are unable to assert their intentions by means of vague complaints and directive acts. Intermediate-level learners use frequent external modifications to mitigate or amplify the intensity of their message. So, although learners employ fewer internal modifications than native speakers, their use of internal modifications exhibit individual differences. Interestingly, learners frequently overuse internal modifications because of experiences in other language acquisition. Along with acquisition difficulties, the researcher discussed some teaching implications, curriculum design, teaching aids, instructions, teaching approaches, activities and students. Finally, on the basis of raw data and findings, the researcher designed a lesson plan with suggestions for instruction included.
This thesis is based on the framework of Trosborg (1994). A speech act of complaints consists of complaints (head act) and directive acts as the core, external modifications and internal modifications as adjuncts. In practice, there is an additional "opting out" strategy often manifested in complaints. The most frequent strategy employed by native speakers of Mandarin living in Taiwan is "indirect attribution." The second is "direct criticism." The relationship and gender of interlocutors influence their complaint strategies. Interlocutors of the same gender tend to be more direct with each other. Each strategy has multiple forms depending on intended meaning and situation. Modality is discussed in the context of internal modification. Native Mandarin speakers' attitudes and volitions are frequently expressed through monosyllabic adverbs and sentence-end particles. Compared to native English language speakers, advanced Mandarin learners’ complaints bear similarities to those of native Taiwanese speakers of Mandarin. However, the intermediate-level Mandarin learners use "direct criticism" more frequently than native speakers. This is evidence that intermediate-level learners can not distinguish semantically between complaints and criticisms. Intermediate-level learners fail to choose appropriate strategies in various relationships and situations. Learners do not use appropriate directive acts -- demonstrating a U-shape (restructuring continuum of interlanguage). Also, intermediate learners use more external modifications than native speakers because learners are unable to assert their intentions by means of vague complaints and directive acts. Intermediate-level learners use frequent external modifications to mitigate or amplify the intensity of their message. So, although learners employ fewer internal modifications than native speakers, their use of internal modifications exhibit individual differences. Interestingly, learners frequently overuse internal modifications because of experiences in other language acquisition. Along with acquisition difficulties, the researcher discussed some teaching implications, curriculum design, teaching aids, instructions, teaching approaches, activities and students. Finally, on the basis of raw data and findings, the researcher designed a lesson plan with suggestions for instruction included.
抱怨, 指示性行為, 內部修飾語, 外部修飾語, 交際溝通能力, complaint, directive act, internal modification, external modification, communicative competence