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本研究旨在探討台北市保母人員在職訓練之需求,瞭解保母人員對於在職訓練時間、方式、內容的需求與參加在職訓練的障礙,並分析不同背景變項保母人員對在職訓練方式、內容需求之差異情形。問卷調查以台北市六個社區保母系統的保母人員為母群體,採立意抽樣方式,以「台北市保母人員在職訓練需求之研究」調查問卷,對台北市六個社區保母系統的保母人員進行問卷調查,回收率為97.4%,有效問卷為477份,可用率為85.9%。所得資料以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料分析。 根據資料分析結果,本研究獲致以下結論: 一、台北市保母人員對在職訓練時間的需求,以「週日」最方便,「週六」次之。 二、台北市保母人員最喜歡的訓練方式為「課堂授課」、「收到刊物雜誌資訊」、「實務操作」、「設立資源中心提供育兒資訊」、「自我成長學習」。 三、台北市保母人員認為「急救」、「健康照顧」、「醫護新知」、「營養新知」等訓練內容對保母工作的重要性與保母人員接受訓練的需要性最高。 四、不同年齡、畢業科系及年資的保母人員認為各項在職訓練內容都是同樣重要的。 五、台北市保母人員認為在職訓練內容對其勝任保母工作的重要性高於保母人員認為自己需要參加這些訓練。 六、台北市保母人員認為參加在職訓練的障礙,以「要照顧自己的小孩及家人」、「仍有托育工作沒時間參加」符合程度最高。 依據本研究發現與結論,提出下列建議: 一、對保母管理制度面的建議 (一)儘速完成「兒童教育及照顧法」的立法工作。 (二)保母人員在職訓練與證照制度結合管理。 二、對政府部門的建議 (一)投入資源建置多元的訓練方式與管道。 (二)規劃符合保母工作需求的在職訓練內容。 (三)定期調查保母人員的在職訓練需求。 三、對社區保母系統的建議 (一)系統間合作辦理保母人員的在職訓練。 (二)提供支持性方案協助保母克服參加訓練的障礙。 四、對未來研究之建議 (一)研究對象可擴及進行全國或其他地區的調查。 (二)研究主題可延伸探討訓練時數、分級制度等面向的需求研究。
The research is to discover potential needs for family child care providers training, to understand the timing, training formats, training topics, and possible barriers of the training, and to analyze whether the difference on family child care providers’ backgrounds may significantly impact on the training. This research is based on six community provider schemes by applying the questionnaire on purposive samples selected from the matrix. In this research, the return rate is 97.4%, the total returns are 477, and the valid rate is 85.9%. The data are analyzed by descriptive-statistics, T-test, and one-way ANOVA. The conclusions are described as the following. 1.For the timing of the training, Sundays appear to be the best choice and Saturdays are the second. 2.The favorite formats of the training program include “in-class lecture”, “receiving information from books or magazines”, “practical experiences”, “establishing resource centers for family child care providers”, and “self learning”. 3.The family child care providers in Taipei think that “first aid”, “health care”, “medical information”, and “nutrition information” are the most important and needed. 4.Family child care providers from different ages, educational backgrounds, majors, and experiences think all training topics are equally important. 5.They think the content of the training program is much more critical than whether it is necessary for them to take this program. 6.Among barriers avoiding them from training, “needs to take care of own kids and families” and “lack of time due to work” are what they are concerned most. According to this research’s findings, we have concluded to provide following recommendations: A.To the family child care providers management system 1.Legislate “Early Childhood Education and Care Act” as soon as possible. 2.Integrate training programs and license management. B.To the government 1.Invest more resources and build diverse training formats and channels. 2.Map out appropriate training topics to meet family child care providers’ needs. 3.Conduct research on potential needs periodically. C.To community provider schemes 1.Collaborate and cooperate training programs among community provider schemes. 2.Provide supporting projects to remove the barriers. D.To future researches 1.The research targets can be extended to family child care providers within the whole country or other areas. 2.The research topics may focus on the length of training programs, classification standards, and etc.



保母人員, 在職訓練, 訓練需求, 社區保母系統, family child care providers, in-service training, training needs, community provider schemes





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