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本研究旨在探討國民中學學習型組織與教師教學效能之現況,及不同背景變項教師對學習型組織知覺與教學效能之差異,並分析國民中學教師學習型組織知覺與教學效能之關係。 本研究選取新北市國民中學共39所學校之727位正式教師為研究樣本,所使用之研究工具包括「學習型組織量表」及「教師教學效能量表」。資料分析方法包括多變項變異數分析、成對樣本t考驗、多元迴歸分析、逐步迴歸分析及典型相關分析。研究發現如下: 壹、目前新北市國民中學教師知覺學習型組織運作情形「良好」 貳、目前新北市國民中學教師知覺教學效能現況「良好」 參、不同年齡、服務年資、擔任職務的新北市國民中學教師在學習型組織之知覺上具有顯著差異 肆、不同年齡及學校規模、學校地區之新北市國民中學教師在教學效能之知覺上具有顯著差異 伍、新北市國民中學教師學習型組織在解釋教師教學效能上,兩者之間具有相關性 陸、新北市國民中學學習型組織對教學效能具有顯著預測力 研究者根據研究結果,提出對教育上之建議,並針對研究工具及研究方向提出建議,提供未來研究者做為參考。
This study aims at exploring the implementation of the learning organization and teacher’s teaching effectiveness in junior high schools in New Taipei City, then exploring the viewpoints of those teachers with different background of the learning organization and their teaching effectiveness, and exploring the relation between the learning organization and teacher’s effectiveness. This study is sampled from 727 formal teachers in junior high schools in New Taipei City by using “Scale of the Learning Organization " and "Scale of the Teacher’s Teaching Effectiveness." Data were analyzed by using multivariate analysis of variance, t-test, multiple regression analysis, multiple stepwise regression analysis, and canonical correlation. Study results are as below: 1.The current situation of perception of the learning organization in junior high schools in New Taipei City is good. 2.The current situation of perception of the teacher’s teaching effectiveness in junior high schools in New Taipei City is good. 3.Teachers with different age, years of service and the duties in New Taipei City have significant differences in the perception of the learning organization. 4.Teachers with different age, and in different school scales and districts in New Taipei City have significant differences in the perception of the teacher’s teaching effectiveness. 5.There is correspondence to explained the learning organization and the teacher’s teaching effectiveness in New Taipei City. 6.Learning organization in junior high schools in New Taipei City can predict teaching effectiveness. According to the result, the researcher has suggested studying tools as well as studying direction for future researchers reference



學習型組織, 教學效能, learning organization, teacher’s teaching effectiveness





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