2D Flash動畫之創作研究----以「MurMur花栗鼠」為例

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近來文化創意產業的興起,動畫產業倍受重視,被列為2008國家重點發展計畫中,台灣數位內容產業八大範疇裡的重點項目之一。所以在產業需求上,動畫師將會是迫切需要的人才。動畫和多媒體時代的來臨也改變了出版、閱讀、創作的方式,加上網路的普及加速了創作者和觀者的交流與分享。因此如何使用超連結及多媒體的特性,結合各種所要傳達的資訊或學習內容,來改變以往單純線性化、靜態的呈現型態, 是每位藝術創作者要學習與思考的未來方向 本創作研究擬以研讀電影導演的藝術、映像藝術構成的基本理論,作為製作動畫前的理論基礎;並分析動畫原理和技術應用於Flash動畫製作。研究者藉由映像藝術理論應用於同樣是2D的Flash動畫,探討如何用有限的2D動畫技術在二度的銀幕空間中發揮出三度空間、四度空間和五度空間的美感。研究過程輔以分析比較網路上受歡迎之Flash動畫作品和角色,並推究其受歡迎的原因和可以發展的周邊商品,作為構思動畫角色時的參考與學習。 本研究最後階段是創作主題為「murmur花栗鼠」之個人動畫,藉由實際製作過程探討Flash動畫創作的心得與建議,並整合傳統動畫與映像藝術構成手法,發展平面動畫律動節奏、場景剪輯、空間構成的多種可能。期望藉由此研究與創作經驗和過程,作為研究者日後在小學資訊教育上的精進與參考,將2D動畫的原理和歷史淵源,加以推廣應用於資訊教學上。
Recent growing interest in cultural innovation related businesses has shifted significant focus towards the moving arts industry. Consequently it is one of eight key areas of development in Taiwan’s digital content industry, and was recognized as an important national development sector in 2008. As a result there will be a great increase in demand for professional animation designers. The revolution of moving animation and multimedia has dramatically changed how we publish and access new ideas. Furthermore with the convenience of the World Wide Web, the audience and the creator is simply one-click away from sharing and interacting. Thus it is important from a designer’s perspective to understand and fully utilize the convenience of modern technologies, such as hyperlinks and other multimedia features, to communicate information or teaching content to the target audience. This research paper delves into the fundamental concepts of cinematography and visual art theories, in which the findings will further be used as preliminary concepts for moving animation creation. When referring to moving animations, we look specifically at Flash animations and the theories and techniques behind their creations. The study probes into ways to utilize a normally limited 2D flash animation to create a more intricate 3rd, 4th and 5th dimension impression. A selection of popular flash animation found on the internet are further examined, looking at reasons for their success as well as potential products that can be developed based on these works, aimed at gaining some insight into character design selection. The study concludes with the making of a personal animation clip titled “Murmur the Chipmunk”. The piece is inspired by other Flash works reviewed during the course of the study, bringing together classic animation and visual composition methods, with combined 2-dimensional rhythmic object displacement and backdrop editing, to allow for various types of spatial composition. Through this design work, it is hoped that this material and knowledge can be recycled and used to help educate primary school students about 2D animation and its origin.



映像藝術, Flash動畫, 角色, 電影藝術, 空間構成, Visual arts, flash animation, character, cinematography, spatial composition.





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