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筆者身為臺師大華研所之研究生,有許多輔導從其他國家到國立臺灣師範大學讀書的外籍生的機會;而本研究的對象即是一位來自北越河內,就讀國際人力資源發展研究所的越南籍學生。在一對一輔導的過程中,發現該生在發舌尖前音[ts]/ z、[tsh]/ c、[s]/ s與舌尖後音[tʂ]/ zh、[tʂh]/ ch、[ʂ]/ sh時,舌位皆偏後,聽起來略帶有e[ɤ]之尾音,與之前的研究略有不同。因此,筆者便從學生的興趣為出發點,以ChineseVid平台上之「周杰倫成長紀實影片第一集」為教學材料,加上能讓學生進行舌位調整之筆者自編課程共11課,透過MyCT線上平台的即時評分功能,實施為期十週的發音訓練課程。
本研究運用了以下兩個專業的線上平台。其一為ChineseVid,是Voicetube從2012年著手建構的華語影片輔助學習平台;提供了影片播放、句子範讀、學生錄音、音檔比對與下載等功能;其二為My Chinese Tutor,是由艾爾科技公司研發,使用自動語音分析系統的線上中文口說自動檢測平台;可針對發音、語調、流利度、音量等四面向來比對學生與老師的發音,給予0至100的即時評分與偏誤描述,也提供發音部位的3D動畫供學生參考。
從研究結果顯示,影響研究對象產生發音偏誤之因素有二,即聲調與頻率。以舌尖前音[ts]/ z/ㄗ為例,受試者在各聲調的發音表現上並不一致;而高頻使用之舌尖後音[ʂ]/ sh/ㄕ,則在各聲調的發音都有不錯的表現。於教學應用上,建議教師們在設計課程前,可先測出學生擅長的聲調字來搭配正音練習,並同時提高目標音的使用率;待其偏誤現象逐漸矯正後,再進而挑戰其不熟悉的聲調字,或許會更有效果。此外,由於本實驗對象之華語程度約為ACTFL之Novice級,太長的句子對其認知負荷過重;因此,在選擇材料時,不能單以學生感興趣的真實材料為出發點,還要秉持「i+1」之二語習得理論精神,就學生程度適時地轉化教學材料,並搭配適切的練習,才能達到更有效的教學。
Studying in the Department of Chinese as a Second Language in National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), there were many opportunities for me to be a tutor to CSL (Chinese as a second language) students. One of the CSL students from Hanoi (Hà nội), Vietnam, has become the case study subject and will be referred to as VS hereafter. At the beginning of this research, the author noticed that VS’s error was different from the other researchers’ result: VS’s tongue have stretched backward when VS pronounced [ts]/z, [tsh]/c, [s]/s and [tʂ]/zh, [tʂh]/ch, [ʂ]/sh. After that, the author chose VS’s favorite singer, Jay Chou’s interview clip on ChineseVid Website as the research material, selecting vocabulary, phrases and sentences to be used for the Pre-test and Post-test, and designed pronunciation lessons through MyCT (An online speaking training platform called ”My Chinese Tutor”) for a ten-week long training, which aimed to correct VS’s errors in speaking sounds. The two platforms, ChineseVid and MyCT, play an important role in this study. ChineseVid is developed by the research team of Voicetube, which offers the features of film playing, sentence demonstration, recording, and sound track downloading. MyCT is established by L Labs, an educational software company, which uses “Automatic Speech Analysis System” (ASAS©) to analyze learners’ Chinese speech and produce detailed information about their pronunciation, pitch, timing, and emphasis. After performing the task, students receive not only scores, but also specific feedback on how to improve. ASAS© can give pinpoint advice on how to improve the pronunciation of individual sounds. Through this ten-week training, the results of the analysis showed that tones and frequency were the main factors which influenced VS’s pronunciation. Teachers should find out students’ pronunciation performance among different tones before designing lessons. In the meantime, to raise the frequency of target sounds might be helpful to improve students’ pronunciation. Furthermore, as a novice learner, VS cannot pronounce well when reading long sentences. This agrees with the input hypotheses “i+1” that Stephen Krashen proposed. In other words, only when the materials meet learner’s cognitive load will they keep trying, instead of feeling frustrated. Therefore, how to transform materials properly would be the most important thing before we start teaching.
Studying in the Department of Chinese as a Second Language in National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), there were many opportunities for me to be a tutor to CSL (Chinese as a second language) students. One of the CSL students from Hanoi (Hà nội), Vietnam, has become the case study subject and will be referred to as VS hereafter. At the beginning of this research, the author noticed that VS’s error was different from the other researchers’ result: VS’s tongue have stretched backward when VS pronounced [ts]/z, [tsh]/c, [s]/s and [tʂ]/zh, [tʂh]/ch, [ʂ]/sh. After that, the author chose VS’s favorite singer, Jay Chou’s interview clip on ChineseVid Website as the research material, selecting vocabulary, phrases and sentences to be used for the Pre-test and Post-test, and designed pronunciation lessons through MyCT (An online speaking training platform called ”My Chinese Tutor”) for a ten-week long training, which aimed to correct VS’s errors in speaking sounds. The two platforms, ChineseVid and MyCT, play an important role in this study. ChineseVid is developed by the research team of Voicetube, which offers the features of film playing, sentence demonstration, recording, and sound track downloading. MyCT is established by L Labs, an educational software company, which uses “Automatic Speech Analysis System” (ASAS©) to analyze learners’ Chinese speech and produce detailed information about their pronunciation, pitch, timing, and emphasis. After performing the task, students receive not only scores, but also specific feedback on how to improve. ASAS© can give pinpoint advice on how to improve the pronunciation of individual sounds. Through this ten-week training, the results of the analysis showed that tones and frequency were the main factors which influenced VS’s pronunciation. Teachers should find out students’ pronunciation performance among different tones before designing lessons. In the meantime, to raise the frequency of target sounds might be helpful to improve students’ pronunciation. Furthermore, as a novice learner, VS cannot pronounce well when reading long sentences. This agrees with the input hypotheses “i+1” that Stephen Krashen proposed. In other words, only when the materials meet learner’s cognitive load will they keep trying, instead of feeling frustrated. Therefore, how to transform materials properly would be the most important thing before we start teaching.
線上平台, 華語發音, 華語教學, 自我正音, 越籍學習者, Mandarin teaching, Mandarin Pronunciation, self-correction, online pronunciation training, Vietnamese learner