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一、 臺灣地區使用北京奧運會官方網站使用者大多為19-25歲,非體育系男女大學生,收入在「15,000元(含以下)」,對中國態度無明顯之喜好且傾向於「不喜歡」者為居多,同時喜好棒球項目且對奧運會有興趣,但對於運動網站不具高度忠誠度,上網動機為個人興趣與受新聞時事影響而瀏覽北京奧運會官方網站。
二、 年齡、職業、教育程度、對中國友好程度、每月平均收入、每週瀏覽運動網站頻率、對奧運會喜好程度、不同瀏覽奧運會官方網站動機變項對於使用者滿意度皆具有顯著差異性存在。
三、 使用者滿意度構面對使用者整體滿意度具22.4%解釋力,其中「網站連結便利性」滿意度對於使用者整體滿意度最具影響力。
This study aims to understand the distributive situation of background variables of Taiwanese who use the official website of the Beijing Olympic Games, find out the differences because of diverse background variables which influence the user satisfaction with the official website, and explore the influence of user satisfaction in Taiwan on the overall user satisfaction with the website. This study employed the Internet questionnaire survey for analysis, and the results are as follows. First, the Taiwanese users of the official website of the Beijing Olympic Games are mostly students not from Department of Physical Education, ranging from 19 to 25, with income under 15000. They don’t have obvious preference for China but most pretend to dislike; they like baseball and are interested in the Olympics Game, but don’t have high adherence to the sports websites. Their motivations to surf the official website of the Beijing Olympic Games are attributed to one’s own interests and news. Second, an obvious difference in the user satisfaction exists due to diverse background variables, such as age, career, level of education, degree of amity with China, average income of every month, frequency of surfing the sports websites, degree of preference for the Olympics Games, and different motivations to surf the official website of the Beijing Olympic Games. Third, the aspect of user satisfaction has a 22.4% explanation degree to the overall user satisfaction with the website, and the satisfaction of “convenience of the Internet connection” has the most influential power. Based on the results, this study suggests that the official website of the Olympic Games provide more plural contents in the future for the users who are not sports fans to raise the times of users’ re-browsing, increase the interactive function of the official website and users, and expand the information transmission about the Olympic Games to Greater China Group to attract more global Chinese people to the Olympic Games.
This study aims to understand the distributive situation of background variables of Taiwanese who use the official website of the Beijing Olympic Games, find out the differences because of diverse background variables which influence the user satisfaction with the official website, and explore the influence of user satisfaction in Taiwan on the overall user satisfaction with the website. This study employed the Internet questionnaire survey for analysis, and the results are as follows. First, the Taiwanese users of the official website of the Beijing Olympic Games are mostly students not from Department of Physical Education, ranging from 19 to 25, with income under 15000. They don’t have obvious preference for China but most pretend to dislike; they like baseball and are interested in the Olympics Game, but don’t have high adherence to the sports websites. Their motivations to surf the official website of the Beijing Olympic Games are attributed to one’s own interests and news. Second, an obvious difference in the user satisfaction exists due to diverse background variables, such as age, career, level of education, degree of amity with China, average income of every month, frequency of surfing the sports websites, degree of preference for the Olympics Games, and different motivations to surf the official website of the Beijing Olympic Games. Third, the aspect of user satisfaction has a 22.4% explanation degree to the overall user satisfaction with the website, and the satisfaction of “convenience of the Internet connection” has the most influential power. Based on the results, this study suggests that the official website of the Olympic Games provide more plural contents in the future for the users who are not sports fans to raise the times of users’ re-browsing, increase the interactive function of the official website and users, and expand the information transmission about the Olympic Games to Greater China Group to attract more global Chinese people to the Olympic Games.
北京奧運會, 官方網站, 使用者滿意度, Beijing Olympic Games, official website, user satisfaction