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身處於今日國際社會的快速變遷發展,國防科技日新月異,戰術戰法不斷求新求變,國軍軍事教官角色面臨了諸多挑戰,教官不再是單純的「知識的傳遞者」,而成了終身學習的促進者與實踐者,不僅有責任幫助學生終身學習,而且有需要激勵自己終身學習。 本研究旨在以Delors在1996 年所發表的《學習:財富蘊藏其中》(Learning: the treasure within)一書中,提出學習社會中,人們必須進行四種基本的學習,探討國軍軍事教官終身學習與發展情形,包括學習認知(learning to know)、學習做事(learning to do)、學習與人相處(learning to live together)和學習發展(learning to be)四面向,以及國軍終身學習觀點。 為達成研究目的,研究者立意取樣台灣北部地區三所軍事院校五位教官,立意取樣內容包括軍種、教學年資、學經歷、教學品質及學習態度等因素,就學習認知、學習做事、學習與人相處和學習發展四個面向,以及國軍終身學習觀點等,進行個別訪談與自然觀察。經訪談、觀察、資料整理、分析討論後,提出結論與建議。 本研究重點歸納: 一、學習認知層面:歸結出了解生活世界、發展專業能力、對教育的認知、增進個人自學及從生活中學習等幾個重點。 二、學習做事層面:歸結出學習與未來工作相適應、增進團隊工作的能力、問題解決的能力及創新的能力等幾個重點。 三、學習與人相處層面:歸結出認識自己、發現他人、與學生、家長、同事、主管等建立良好的關係幾個重點。 四、學習發展層面:歸結出軍事教官人格、道德、職涯發展以及自我實現幾個重點。 五、國軍終身學習觀點:歸結出瞭解程度、學習管道、促進與阻礙因素幾個重點。 根據本研究結果,分別針對以下四方面提出建議: 一、對終身學習理論的建構方面 (一)終身學習四大面向無法獨立分開學習 (二)終身學習須結合個人學習型態與心理層面 二、對軍事教官師資培育相關機構方面 (一)加強理論與實際結合 (二)規劃完整有效的實習制度 (三)重視教官繼續教育的實施 (四)課程設計時對四個面向應同等重視 三、對國軍軍事教官個人方面 (一)培養終身學習的態度。 (二)進行多元學習。 (三)終身學習與生涯規劃並進。 四、對國軍終身學習行政主管機關方面 (一)積極推動終身學習教育立法工作。 (二)設置「教學點」推展終身學習。 (三)加強與民間大學交流。 (四)落實終身學習政策實施績效評比。
A Study on Life-long Learning and Development of the Military Instructors in the Military Academies Abstract Operational tactics and strategies, in the rapid changing global atmosphere, are continuously improved as national defense technologies all around the world keep going updated. In this regard, military instructors in the ROC Armed Forces are facing various kinds of challenges. They are no more simply being an interface to convey knowledge but a forwarder and a pursuer in life-long learning. In other words, they are not only obligated to assist students in life-long learning but support themselves accordingly as well. This study aims to explore the life-long learning and development of the military instructors in the ROC Armed Forces through Delors book Learning: the treasure within, published in 1996, which highlights the four pillars of education, learning-to-know, learning-to-do, learning-to-live-together and learning-to-be, for people to learn in a society. This study invites five military instructors as study samples from three military academies in northern Taiwan to evaluate the four facets mentioned above from the perspectives of the individuals in the ROC Armed Forces. The samples’ service, teaching seniority, learning background and experiences, teaching evaluation and learning attitude are all taken into account. Conclusion and suggestions are drawn through discussions on the interview, observation and data analysis. The key points of this study are as follows: 1.Learning to know: to realize the real world, develop professional capacity, raise awareness of education, encourage learning by oneself, and learn from everyday life. 2.Learning to do: to apply the learned knowledge to future career and enhance capability for teamwork, problem solving, and creativity. 3.Learning to live together: to know oneself and others, and develop good relationships with students and their parents, colleagues and the boss. 4.Learning to be: to develop from the perspectives of one’s personality, morale, living career and self-realization. 5.Perspectives from life-long learning in the ROC Armed Forces: to focus on one’s level of understanding, channels of learning and facilitation and obstacles. According to the study results, suggestions are offered as follows: A.Theoretical construction of life-long learning: a.The four facets of life-long learning can not be learned separately. b.Life-long learning must be conducted with one’s psychological aspects as well as learning styles. B.Affiliated channels to breed potential military instructors: a.Strengthen the tie between theory and practice. b.Make practice system effective and complete. c.Emphasize the rights of military instructors in the ROC Armed Forces for continuous learning. d.Emphasize the four facets of life-long learning through curriculum design. C.For military instructors them selves: a.Enlighten an attitude toward life-long learning. b.Learn from multiple disciplines. c.Merge life-long learning and career together. D.Administrative authorities for life-long learning in the ROC Armed Forces: a.Facilitate associated regulations for life-long learning to be enacted. b.Place sufficient life-long learning corner. c.Promote exchange with civilian universities. d.Evaluate the fulfillment of life-long learning.



終身學習, 成人教育, 永續教育, 回流教育, life-long learning, adult education, education of sustainability, recurrent education





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