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本篇論文旨在探討「同儕互教策略」(Reciprocal Peer Tutoring)對台灣高中生英文整體閱讀能力及學習態度的影響,同時探究「同儕互教策略」中教導同儕與被同儕教導兩種活動何者帶來較佳的英文學習效益。 研究對象為台灣某高中三班高三學生,一班為實驗組,兩班為對照組。為期一學期的實驗中,實驗組班級在教師教授好每課的英文字彙與句型之後,便以「同儕互教策略」進行英文課文教學,其他兩班對照組則傳統教師直接授課的方式進行英文教學。本論文以閱讀測驗、課堂小考以及問卷來收集資料並加以分析。 研究結果顯示,在量化測驗上,「同儕互教策略」未能顯著提升學生的英文閱讀能力,但些微的優於傳統英文教學法。學生的課堂小考分析顯示,教導同儕的活動也未能顯著促進學生在英文閱讀能力方面的學習,但其學習成效稍稍的優於被同儕教導的活動。問卷結果則顯示75%以上的學生肯定「同儕互教策略」,認為它引導學生擺脫被動學習,增進英文閱讀能力。 研究的結論是「同儕互教策略」在高中英文課中不僅可行,且能引發學生主動、互助的學習習慣,使學生深入的學習英文閱讀;另外,學生在教導同儕的活動中比起被同儕教導更能深入的學習英文閱讀,雖然成效未達顯著。多數學生在「同儕互教策略」獲得學習英文閱讀的樂趣與成就感。因此,研究者建議英文教師可在高中英文課中實施「同儕互教策略」,鼓勵學生主動學習英文閱讀,並以合作的學習氣氛取代競爭。
This study explores whether reciprocal peer tutoring enhances the overall EFL reading performance of senior high school EFL students in Taiwan and what attitude students hold toward reciprocal peer tutoring. The study participants were 117 third-graders from three intact classes of a public senior high school in Taiwan. Data were collected through reading comprehension measures, in-class quizzes, questionnaires and individual interviews. Quantitative data analyses showed that, although significance was not reached, RPT students demonstrated better EFL reading performance than the control groups. Quantitative data analyses also showed that, although significance was not reached, tutors demonstrated slightly better EFL performance than tutees. It was interpreted that RPT could slightly enhance the overall EFL reading performance of senior high school students in Taiwan, especially when they took the role of tutors. As for the qualitative data, it was revealed that a majority of students showed favorable attitude toward RPT in their EFL classroom, asserting that RPT helped them get rid of passive learning and deeper their learning of EFL material. It was concluded that RPT facilitated the EFL learning of senior high school students in Taiwan and increased their learning motivation. It was recommended that RPT be partially integrated into senior high school students’ EFL classroom in Taiwan, especially when the level of difficulty of the EFL material was slightly above the students’ proficiency level. It was hoped that active participation and cooperation could be encouraged through RPT in students’ EFL learning.



同儕輔導, 同儕互教策略, 第二語言教學, peer tutoring, reciprocal peer tutoring, L2 teaching





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