亞歷山大技巧之觀點分析與應用於 彼拉提斯健身活動教學策略之探究歷程

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本研究之目的為深入瞭解亞歷山大技巧之觀點與理念原則,進而探究及其應用於彼拉提斯健身活動之可能性,以作為彼拉提斯健身活動實務教學者之參考,並瞭解教師的反省與成長。因此,本研究之第一部份以亞歷山大技巧之文本為對象,以文獻分析法探究其理念原則;第二部分將亞歷山大技巧之觀點嘗試應用於彼拉提斯健身活動之教學中,提出應用之策略,並進行「教學策略驗證」檢視其可行性。此階段以台北市A高中參與彼拉提斯課程之教職員為對象(女性;N=10),進行每週一次(60分鐘)共八週的新策略介入教學,並以半結構式訪談、影片觀察及教學者反省札記等方式蒐集資料,採三角交叉驗證法進行資料一致性的檢驗,再根據資料修正策略之內容,最後整理具體的結果。本研究結果如下: 一、本研究整理亞歷山大技巧之觀點可具體應用於彼拉提斯健身活動有:脊椎關節使用、肩胛帶使用、髖關節使用、頭-頸-軀幹之間的關係。 二、亞歷山大技巧之觀點應用於彼拉提斯健身活動的可能性中,學員、教師及觀察員三者皆持正面的態度,惟應用時應注意抽象概念的理解。 三、教師在教學方法及動作設計兩部分的專業能力皆有所提昇,並且更瞭解亞歷山大技巧觀點應用上,應注意時間對身體學習的重要。
The purpose of this study was deeply understand the principles of Alexander Technique, and its applications to teaching strategies for Pilates exercise. This study was divided into two different parts: The first part was to explore the principles of Alexander Technique, and to introduce the method which provides documentary analysis and has correlation texts as subjects. Another part was to apply the viewpoints of Alexander Technique to teaching strategies for Pilates exercise, and to verify the strategies with the test of “teaching strategies”. The subjects were high school females faculties (N=10) and were chosen from the Pilates course conducted by “A High School”in Taipei. The exercise was undertaken once per week for eight weeks, and the duration of each session was60 minutes. The data was collected through semi-structured interview, vedio observation analysis and the reflection records. Triangulation was used to examin the unanimity of those data. The results are shown in the following. a. The principles of Alexander Technique could, be applied to the use of “spine”, “shoulder girdle” and, “hip joint” and to examine the relationship of “head-neck-trunk” in Pilates ecercise. b. Subjects, instroctors and observer all had a positive attitude; however, they should be aware of students’ comprehension while applying the principles of Alexander Technique with abstract idea. c. Instrocts had apparent improvement in teaching method and movement design, and they also showed more understanding on the importance of time awareness to body learning.



亞歷山大技巧, 彼拉提斯健身活動, 教學策略, Alexander Technique, Pilates exercise, teaching strategies





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