我們的童年經驗是怎樣影響我們人格的重要關鍵?還在懵懂無知不識字的年齡時,一切的認知都是靠著視覺、觸覺等各種知覺,來認識環境,同時也對日後人格喜好有一定的基本影響。兒童時期重要伙伴 ─ 圖畫書,是一個重要的角色。也常常被用來當作教育孩童、養成人格發展…等的重要媒材之一。
How our childhood experiences affect our personality? What is the key ?When we can not read, we use touch and see to understand the world .It is also the personality development. It is important partner ─ childhood picture books , it is an important role. It also often used in teaching children . The study was through Anthony Brown's picture book ,through his creative approach and design and Surrealism formed creation points. There are 28 Anthony Brown's book ,these are the main research areas . From the collected data to analyze , and finally reached creatives. Anthony Brown's creatives have a strong ironic contrast:Adults relative to children, the human relation to animals, men than women . He often to defend the weak position on the creation, with ultra- realistic style of performance practices.That is his formation of self- style . I am deeply interested in this model. And my growing experience, to realize social phenomena at this stage , Text in the description of four points will be : 1. to fairy tales as a theme ; 2. into the surreal style elements; 3. the form illustrations ; 4 .the expression means . Through this study, the experience from which to obtain two : First, from the perspective of children . Purpose is to change the perspective of the world , from the vulnerable , innocent , intelligent , sensual interpretation of the position of the value of new ideas ; Second , surreal style of creative expression. Often implied , ironic humor , or fantasy , to bring readers a fresh feeling ; concrete performance part , but to treasure hunt, a variety of props hint known , often provoke adults in Santa Claus, can not help into his surreal Country to the treasure hunt .
How our childhood experiences affect our personality? What is the key ?When we can not read, we use touch and see to understand the world .It is also the personality development. It is important partner ─ childhood picture books , it is an important role. It also often used in teaching children . The study was through Anthony Brown's picture book ,through his creative approach and design and Surrealism formed creation points. There are 28 Anthony Brown's book ,these are the main research areas . From the collected data to analyze , and finally reached creatives. Anthony Brown's creatives have a strong ironic contrast:Adults relative to children, the human relation to animals, men than women . He often to defend the weak position on the creation, with ultra- realistic style of performance practices.That is his formation of self- style . I am deeply interested in this model. And my growing experience, to realize social phenomena at this stage , Text in the description of four points will be : 1. to fairy tales as a theme ; 2. into the surreal style elements; 3. the form illustrations ; 4 .the expression means . Through this study, the experience from which to obtain two : First, from the perspective of children . Purpose is to change the perspective of the world , from the vulnerable , innocent , intelligent , sensual interpretation of the position of the value of new ideas ; Second , surreal style of creative expression. Often implied , ironic humor , or fantasy , to bring readers a fresh feeling ; concrete performance part , but to treasure hunt, a variety of props hint known , often provoke adults in Santa Claus, can not help into his surreal Country to the treasure hunt .
安東尼‧布朗, 超現實主義, 圖畫書, 插畫, Anthony Brown, surreal style, picture book, illustration