
dc.contributor.authorMen-Qhuey Linen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究探討社區關懷據點老人個人背景、預防跌倒知識、健康信念、自我效能、社會支持與行為之關係;並找出有關之預防跌倒行為的重要預測因素。研究對象為於臺北市士林區每週參與活動的社區關懷據點老人,共計137人。研究工具為參考國內外相關文獻及專家意見修正完成之結構式問卷。調查所得資料以t檢定、點二系列相關、皮爾森積差相關及複迴歸分析。研究結果如下: 一、研究對象個人背景因素中的平衡力;運動頻率;運動時間與預防跌倒行為間在統計上有顯著的差異。其他因素則無顯著差異。 二、研究對象預防跌倒健康信念與預防跌倒行為有顯著相關,預防跌倒健康信念總分愈高預防跌倒行為愈佳。 三、研究對象預防跌倒的重要他人支持、獲得預防跌倒資訊、參加預防活動與預防跌倒行為有顯著相關,其總分愈高預防跌倒行為愈佳。 四、預防跌倒自我效能與預防跌倒行為有顯著相關,預防跌倒自我效能總分愈高預防跌倒行為愈佳。 五、預防跌倒知識與預防跌倒行為有顯著相關,預防跌倒知識總分愈高預防跌倒行為愈佳。 六、研究對象預防跌倒健康信念、重要他人之支持及自我效能之整體總變異量為35.7%。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study is conducted by the community concern station mainly to find out the relationship of background of aged citizens, knowledge of fall prevention, health belief, self-efficacy, and social support to behavior. In addition, the study would also find out the important factors of prediction in concerning of prevention against fall behavior. The subjects of study are the aged citizens who take part in the activities by the community concern station of Shihlin District of Taipei City, and the total of them are 137 people. The tool of research is of the modified structural questionnaire with reference of domestic and oversea literatures and experts opinions. Besides, the information obtained is analyzed by t-test, pointed-biserial correlation, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and multiple regression, and the results of study are found as follows: 1.For factors as power of balance, frequency of sport, and time of sport with regard to the personal background of the subject, prominent difference is found among them in terms of statistics, while there is no prominent difference for other factors. 2.It is found with prominent relationship between health belief and fall prevention behavior in the subjects of study, and the higher the total score of health belief for fall prevention the better the behavior for fall prevention will be. 3.It is found with prominent relationship among subjects of study the to support by important others, obtainment of information for fall prevention, participation of fall activity, and behavior of fall prevention, and the higher the total score the better the behavior for fall prevention will be. 4.It is found with prominent relationship between self-efficacy of fall prevention to fall prevention behavior, and the higher the total score of self-efficacy for fall prevention the better the behavior for fall prevention will be. 5.It is found with prominent relationship of knowledge for fall prevention to fall prevention behavior, and the higher the total score of knowledge for fall prevention the better the behavior for fall prevention will be. 6.For subjects of fall prevention, it is concluded that the aggregate of overall variance for health belief, support of important others, and self-efficacy should reach 35.7%.en_US
dc.subjectaged citizenen_US
dc.subjectfall prevention behavioren_US
dc.titlePrevention against Fall Behavior and Investigation of Related Factors among Aged Citizens by Community Concern Station of Shihlin District of Taipei Cityen_US

