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我國現行的運動員輔導機制,偏重於順暢升學管道與提供獎勵金模式,對於運動員全面的 生涯發展,缺乏系統化的輔導與配套措施,而我國大部分的運動員,並未意識到提早規劃退休 生活的重要性,致使退休後失去生活能力,成為社會問題。本研究計畫旨在瞭解臺灣運動員生 涯發展的實際需求與困境,藉由關鍵因素之建構,並整合專家觀點,進而透過成功經驗模式介 入輔導,以達協助運動員生涯轉換、心理建設、社會適應及職能增強之具體貢獻,最終建構系 統化的運動員生涯發展輔導模式,藉以協助菁英運動員生涯之規劃與適應。研究期程預計分為 三階段,第一階段擬應用生涯發展理論,參考各國運動員輔導模式,以問卷調查及文獻分析法, 分析運動員生涯發展之需求-期望,歸納輔導模式規劃的關鍵因素;第二階段將透過訪談及德 爾菲法,歸納跨領域專家觀點及成功職涯轉換經驗,藉以建構運動員生涯輔導模式;第三階段 引用介入輔導的實證路徑,並分析模式實際應用的成效,建構出適用於臺灣本土的運動員生涯 輔導模型,提供作為政府提升運動競技實力,積極培育優秀運動人才,研擬獎勵政策,建立運 動員生涯照顧等策略之參照。
The athletic career development and counseling system in Taiwan merely focuses on the educational paths and award systems. However, athletes’ life-span career development needs a comprehensive guidance and assistance from the government. Most of the athletes in Taiwan were not aware of the importance of planning post-athlete life ahead of time. As a result, they often face difficulty transiting from identity of athlete to non-athlete due to lack of necessary competence to make a living. The purpose of this study first is to understand Taiwanese athletes’ predicament of career development, then to introduce successful model to construct Taiwanese Athletes’ Career Development and Counseling Model (TACDCM). The model aims to assist athletes on career planning, psychological and social counseling, and life and vocational adaption. The research includes three stages. Firstly, main themes of career development will be conceptualized by applying career development theory and reviewing athletes’ counseling programs from other countries. Also, athletes’ needs and expectations will be realized through questionnaire and content analysis. Secondly, the study will construct an athletic career counseling model by interviewing experts’ opinions from different fields and successful transition experiences from athletes. Finally, after utilizing the established model, its effectiveness will be measured and opinion of adjustment will be collected to modify the model. The study will construct a model suitable for Taiwanese athletes in order to provide the government with strategies of escalating sport performance, nurturing elite athletes, designing award system as well as athletic career counseling and development programs.
The athletic career development and counseling system in Taiwan merely focuses on the educational paths and award systems. However, athletes’ life-span career development needs a comprehensive guidance and assistance from the government. Most of the athletes in Taiwan were not aware of the importance of planning post-athlete life ahead of time. As a result, they often face difficulty transiting from identity of athlete to non-athlete due to lack of necessary competence to make a living. The purpose of this study first is to understand Taiwanese athletes’ predicament of career development, then to introduce successful model to construct Taiwanese Athletes’ Career Development and Counseling Model (TACDCM). The model aims to assist athletes on career planning, psychological and social counseling, and life and vocational adaption. The research includes three stages. Firstly, main themes of career development will be conceptualized by applying career development theory and reviewing athletes’ counseling programs from other countries. Also, athletes’ needs and expectations will be realized through questionnaire and content analysis. Secondly, the study will construct an athletic career counseling model by interviewing experts’ opinions from different fields and successful transition experiences from athletes. Finally, after utilizing the established model, its effectiveness will be measured and opinion of adjustment will be collected to modify the model. The study will construct a model suitable for Taiwanese athletes in order to provide the government with strategies of escalating sport performance, nurturing elite athletes, designing award system as well as athletic career counseling and development programs.