跨國籃球運動員張嗣漢 生涯轉換之個案研究

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運動員生涯相關的議題經常被討論,許多研究指出生涯轉換是整體生涯發展中的重要部分,運動員整體的生涯規劃相當重要,但運動員退役時當下的生涯轉換常是困難的一部分。從最熟悉的運動場離開,對多數的運動員來說是相當的痛苦、掙扎。所幸,也有一些運動員欣然接受生涯轉換挑戰的案例,離開運動場後,在社會職場上表現出色亮麗,本研究選定籃球成就曾為美國NCAA籃球名校主力球員、中華隊國手,現職美商好市多(Costco)臺灣區總經理的張嗣漢為個案進行研究,分別探究個案在籃球運動員時期、生涯轉換時期以及生涯轉換後職場發展時期,期盼從中整理期經驗,作為國內運動員的參考。本研究屬於個案研究,資料蒐集後採文獻分析,結合半結構式訪談,針對張嗣漢生涯轉換階段進行深入探討,經個案同意,整理其生涯轉換時的寶貴經驗。 本研究發現個案在球員時期明瞭自身的生涯規畫,面臨生涯轉換時就不會猶豫不決,邁開大步進入職場,生涯轉換後在職場中運用從籃球運動中培養出的特質與其他多項優點,順利在社會職場中發光發熱。研究亦發現個案整體生涯發展相似Super生涯發展理論,提早進行生涯規畫關係到未來的人生發展方向,生涯轉換當下的內在心理特質與外在環境之準備有助於生涯轉換後的未來人生發展。
Issues related to athlete careers are often discussed. Many studies have pointed out that the career transition is an important part of an athlete’s overall career development. However, the career transition can be very difficult for an athlete who is close to retirement considering it’s quite painful and struggling to be away from his/her familiar and professional field. Fortunately, in some cases, there are still athletes who can embrace the challenges gladly regarding the career transition and perform extraordinarily well in the workplace. This study is aimed to analyze the career transition of Richard Chang, the former elite basketball player in both NCAA and Chinese Taipei National Basketball team, who now serves as Costco Taiwan’s general manager. And different stages of Chang’s life will be covered including the period of him being a professional basketball player, facing the career transition and experiencing the diversity in the workplace. This study is a qualitative case research with a data collection supplemented by literature analysis and it is combined with semi-structured interviews. In-depth discussions of Chang’s career transition take place through out the study and which are what valuable experience and suggestions are expected to be drew upon. There is a strong correlation between Chang’s career development and Super’s Life Span theory. Change had already had a blueprint for career planning while being a basketball player and that he was decisive when facing the career transition before entering the workforce. Certain characteristics and competitive advantages of Chang’s acquired from the basketball training actually contribute to his success in the workforce later on. Conducting the career planning in advanced has a certain impact on the direction of an athlete’s life development . A well-prepared state of mind and the suitable external environment while facing the career transition are considered to be beneficial regarding an athlete’s life long development afterwards.



籃球運動員, 生涯轉換, 生涯發展理論, 張嗣漢, basketball player, career transition, Life Span theory, Richard Chang





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