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本研究旨在瞭解大學生大量飲酒行為的現況,及探討社會影響因素、飲酒信念與大學生大量飲酒行為之間的關係。研究以就讀兩所大學日間部大一到大四學生為研究樣本,計得有效樣本722位。研究工具採自擬結構式問卷,以團體自填問卷方式進行調查,所得資料以單變項、多變項邏輯斯迴歸方法進行統計分析。 研究結果如下: 一、 受測大學生過去一年有大量飲酒行為者約四成一、過去30天有大量飲酒行為者約二成;半數以上的學生為了玩樂與同學/朋友大量飲酒,超過三成大量飲酒的場所是在夜店、酒吧或餐廳。 二、 單變項分析結果顯示,影響受測大學生易有大量飲酒行為的變項包括:年齡22歲以上,每月零用錢8000元以上,父母親/好友/周圍大學生飲酒頻率越高、有大量飲酒情形、不反對飲酒,朋友提供酒、強迫飲酒、朋友曾喝醉,估計同儕大量飲酒比率高,酒品訊息接觸頻率越高,自覺飲酒風險越低,越贊同飲酒正向效果者。 三、 多變項分析顯示,母親、好友有大量飲酒情形,估計同儕大量飲酒比率高,朋友提供酒,越贊同飲酒正向效果,能預測大學生大量飲酒行為。 依據研究結果,建議未來推動大學生飲酒教育時應增進學生飲酒的媒體素養,加強飲酒規範教育以改變對同儕飲酒錯誤的估計,教導學生拒絕技巧,且將教育層面深入家庭中,以避免大量飲酒的情況發生。
The aim of the present study was to examine the extent and correlates of binge drinking among college students. A total of 722 college students recruited from two universities completed a questionnaire in 2010. Univariate and multivariate logistic regressions were conducted to examine individual correlates, drinking beliefs, and social influence on college student binge drinking. The results were as follows. 1. About 41% of the students had ever engaged in binge drinking during the past year, while 20% had engaged in binge drinking during the past 30 days. More than half of the students who had engaged in binge drinking were accompanied by classmates or friends for the stated purpose of having fun. One-third of binge drinking occurred at bars or restaurants. 2. Univariate analysis results indicated correlates of college student binge drinking, which included the following: aged 22 or above, monthly allowance of more than NT$8000, father/mother/friend/classmate who drank frequently, binge drinking, disapproval of drinking, peer offering of alcohol, peer urging to drink, higher estimates of peer binge drinking, alcohol message exposure, lower perceived risk of drinking, and higher drinking expectancy. 3. Multivariate analysis results revealed that a mother’s binge drinking, a friend’s binge drinking, higher estimates of peer binge drinking, peer offering of alcohol, and higher drinking expectancy were predictors of binge drinking among college students. The results suggest that binge drinking prevention programs for college students should incorporate alcohol media literacy, alcohol refusal skills, and norm education. Parent interventions were also important for college student binge drinking prevention.



大學生, 大量飲酒, 社會影響, 飲酒信念, college student, binge drinking, social influence, drinking beliefs





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