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為積極推展我國之能源教育,經濟部能源局自九十七年度起委託國立臺灣師範大學執行三年期之「輔導學校推動能源教育計畫」。推動學校實施能源教育之目的,除了提昇師生之能源素養外,希望經由多元的教育方式將正確能源價值觀深植校園每個角落,進而積極實踐節約能源行為,同時為未來能源科技人才奠基。 本(99)年為執行之第三年度,本計畫將依能源局設定之各項執行方向擬定加強與教育主管機關的合作;持續編製能源教材及辦理多元活動;延伸能源教育至高職階段、社區大學;配合節能減碳行動綱領落實能源教育等四個規劃主軸。接續過去之執行成果,加以運用並為往後的執行奠立基礎,同時整合技術單位、媒體、人文藝術機關與民間機構各方的力量共同推動,透過教育內涵的剖析確立能源教育的核心價值,在宣導推廣的做法中加入喚起覺知的原動力,使能源教育由被動推動轉變為積極引導。本計畫將依據前述四大主軸,擬定完整、可行之能源教育實施方案,希望經由本計畫之執行,喚起各級學校對能源教育之重視,加強教師教學技巧與意願,使能源教育得以在更多層級的校園中落實,從學校階段開始,培養具有能源素養的國民。
Continuing past two decades of efforts, an enhanced「promoting energy education in academy」program has launched by Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs since 2008. NTNU (National Taiwan Normal University) was selected to implement this program for its entire (3-year) period. The primary goal of this program is to develop the basic understanding and solid commitment for energy awareness and participative motivation for energy contribution among students as well as teachers in Taiwan. Four specific strategies are established in order to achieve the goal in more challenging environment in the future. Those strategies are「Synergy」,「Integration」,「Diversity」,and 「Substantial」. Incorporating those strategies into the program and empowering 7 major projects toward the positive energy application, we believe energy education in Taiwan should step into a new phase. It would also be significantly beneficial to the school system and to a larger scope of society as well.
Continuing past two decades of efforts, an enhanced「promoting energy education in academy」program has launched by Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs since 2008. NTNU (National Taiwan Normal University) was selected to implement this program for its entire (3-year) period. The primary goal of this program is to develop the basic understanding and solid commitment for energy awareness and participative motivation for energy contribution among students as well as teachers in Taiwan. Four specific strategies are established in order to achieve the goal in more challenging environment in the future. Those strategies are「Synergy」,「Integration」,「Diversity」,and 「Substantial」. Incorporating those strategies into the program and empowering 7 major projects toward the positive energy application, we believe energy education in Taiwan should step into a new phase. It would also be significantly beneficial to the school system and to a larger scope of society as well.