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摘要 中華民族是世界上唯一將印章單獨作為藝術表現的文明。和書法一樣都是附載於漢字線條架構的篆刻藝術,從早期純為實用的銅、玉印等散發出來的厚拙氣息,演變到石章普及後成為文人馳騁於方寸之間的創作天地,在在都展現出其獨特的文化背景與濃厚的視覺感受。只是這麼長久累積下來的藝術成果與創作經驗到現代卻有逐漸式微的現象,如何從中提出其獨有特質與視覺元素,結合現代設計風格以發展新的視覺傳達造形,是本文探討的重點。 本文先從篆刻的創作法式「篆刻三法」出發:篆字的線條化、秩序化與裝飾與排疊等可塑性呈現出漢字的現代造型特色;而純粹以朱白二色線條在方寸之間嚴謹構築的方形結構,則表現出強烈的空間感與中國人的宇宙觀;不同的刀法除了活化、豐富了線條質感之外,更充分表現出奏刀者的情感律動以及創作意識。第三章是從創作工序的角度中探討篆刻的既有條件與特色所在。 篆刻藝術到明清的高度發展源自當時印家「崇古」以及「別求天趣」的審美意識:不論是古玉印的光潔勁挺,或是鑄、鑿銅印的厚重圓潤與結體殘損,都可藉由不同的創作手法展現出質樸的金石氣味;而刻刀在石面運行、擦撞中所產生剝蝕或光潔的質感,則是篆刻線條最為獨特的表現。第四章是從篆刻的質材及質感表現,來尋求古樸厚重的視覺來源。 創作部份的主題為「羅線漢索」,是以佛教羅漢故事作為背景與意象的連結,藉由前文篆刻藝術特質的分析,就十六個現代市井人物進行造型創作實驗,並以系列海報的展出形式呈現。 綜合上述,本研究從中國傳統篆刻藝術的視覺表現出發,從中抽取適用於現代平面設計的視覺元素並以數位手法處理,試圖創造出厚實的韻律、樸質的質感、並且帶有東方獨特色彩的視覺表現。
Abstract Chinese is the only culture in which stamps are created in an artistc form.The stamp and calligraphy both apply the graphics of Chinese characters. In ancient period of time,stampes made of jade and bronze were used for practical matters. Latter on, stone has become the most commonly used material of stamps. This art form emerging the unique culture background with elegant visual effects has been created by many masters in history.However, this cultural heritage and experiences of craft have gradually being less acknowledged.The application regarding how to innovate and develop a modern style of seal carving,will be discussed in this essay. In the beginning chapers,three skills of using seal charater will discussed:the composition of Chinese characters;the organization and decorative matters of modern Chinese characters;and the perfect structure of read and white color lines in the strict square shape of stamps.Different engraving method not only vibrates the quality of the lines,but also expresses the master’s inner sense and thoughts.The third chaper will talk about the work procedure of the existing elements of seal carving. The art of seal carving has strived to the peak in the Ming and Ching Dynasty.The masters looked for antique and simple style.Jade stamps were clean and sharpenly cut.Bronze stampes were made in thick touch and rounded shapes.Different kinds of materials could demonstrate the extinguished and unique proclivity of metal and stone. Chapter four talks about seeking the antique and simple visual effects from the quality and material of seal carving. The theme of demonstration chapters is The Clues of the Hidden Arhat. By applying the artistic designs discussed in the previous chapters,this is a series of posters made of sixteen modern civilian models combining the images and historic background of the Hidden Arhat stories. This research starts from discussing the visual effects of Chinese traditional seal carving art, then to utilize these effects in modern designs, and further more, with digital graphics,to create simple, solid and Chinese style of colors and images.



篆刻, 篆刻線條, 今石氣, 質感, Seal carving, The proclivity of metal and stone, Texture





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