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  本研究探討我國技術型高級中等學校電子科課程規劃,主要目的在建構我國技術型高級中等學校電子科專業及實習課程,本研究採用德懷術(Delphi)進行。首先研究日本電子專門學校、美國Los AngelsValley College之電子科專業及實習課程架構,並分析我國目前技術型高級中學課程綱要以及技術型高中105年課程綱要草案,其後以模組化課程建構一「電子科課程規劃草案」,其中包含電子科核心課程,傳輸架構、嵌入式系統、自動控制、機器人四個專業領域及彼此之間的共同選修,針對各模組課程科目進行課程重要度及適合度以五點量表的問卷編成,形成研究工具。   本研究邀請學者專家、教師、業界人士共12位形成德懷術專家小組,進行三次的德懷術問卷調查,並透過描述統計結果與各專家進行書面語電話間的聯繫,確立各課程的重要及適切性,發展最後的課程架構。其中四個模組皆有重要性及適切性的存在,並依據調查結果對各課程進行調整。   而最後對於教育行政主管機關、技術型高中、電子產業人士及教師等,分別提出於課程規劃上的參考與建議,進一步給有意願對此主題進行深入研究或發展者給予後續研究建議。 關鍵詞:技術型高中課程架構、電子科、學校本位課程。
  This study aimed on researching the technical senior high school electronic curriculum planning, which included two following purposes: (1) Discuss on the technical senior high school electronic curriculum framework difference between our country and the others, and (2) Reorganize and construct technical senior high school specializing in electronic and internship programs.   Delphi technique was used in this study. First of all, the researcher collected the relevant literature relating to curriculum framework in Japan Electronics College, United States Los Angels Valley College, then compared with current technical senior high schools curriculum guidelines and 105th technical senior high schools curriculum guidelines draft. Second, according to the literatures, the researcher reorganize the “Electronic Curriculum Draft”, coming with four modules of electronics core curriculum, which contained “Transport Architecture”, “Embedded Systems”, “Automatic Control”, and “Robotics”. And then the researcher build the five-point scale questionnaire, with curriculum importance and curriculum suitability, for each module curriculum to compose the research tools. The researcher sought a group of experts with 12 people, whom came from electronics correlation scholars, technical senior high school electronics teachers, and engineers. Through three times Delphi survey, taking descriptive statistics results of each times to communicate with experts by mail or telephone, ensured every module of electronics core curriculum’s important and suitability, and developed the final curriculum framework. Finally, according to the survey results, this study made some suggestions of curriculum planning to the education competent authorities, technical senior high schools, teachers and other electronic engineers. These suggestions could be used for further in-depth research in this topic. Key words: technical senior high school curriculum framework, electronic department, school-based curriculum.



技術型高中課程架構, 電子科, 學校本位課程, technical senior high school curriculum framework, electronic department, school-based curriculum





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