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Department of English, NTNU
Department of English, NTNU
本研究主旨在探討詞彙短語及其語義韻出現於文章中之演變。經歷超過一年時間的觀察,本研究以頻率為依據建置了一個口說與寫作學習者語料庫,進而取文章中使用頻率最高之詞彙短語,並研究其語義韻。為能研究詞彙短語與其所表達之語義韻之間的關係程度,本研究採納搭配構式分析法進行分析。研究結果顯示所出現與語意訊息有極度相關的詞彙短語與特定學習者及語言學習者之身分認同有相關聯。另外,研究發現同一組出現之3 至4 字的短語重複出現在特定的時間點用以表達特定的語意。然而,這樣的詞彙短語隨學習者語言能力之發展而有所改變。研究結果顯示,詞彙短語為學習者表達語意的重要角色。
This research explored how formulaic sequences and semantic prosody, i.e., the attitudinal information carried in context, evolve over time. An individual learner corpus of spoken and written data collected longitudinally over a year of observation was investigated using a frequency-driven approach. The most frequent formulaic sequences were extracted and coded for semantic prosody. A collostructional analysis was conducted to analyze the strength of the relationship between formulaic sequences and the semantic prosodies they express. The results indicate that formulaic sequences that were highly associated with prosodic information were likely unique to a particular learner and closely linked to that learner’s developing identity in the new language. Additionally, the same 3-4 word language formulas were used repeatedly in a given time period to express specific prosodies. However, the formulaic language used to express prosody changed over time with the learner’s development in language proficiency. This research suggests that formulaic language is an important means by which learners express prosody.
This research explored how formulaic sequences and semantic prosody, i.e., the attitudinal information carried in context, evolve over time. An individual learner corpus of spoken and written data collected longitudinally over a year of observation was investigated using a frequency-driven approach. The most frequent formulaic sequences were extracted and coded for semantic prosody. A collostructional analysis was conducted to analyze the strength of the relationship between formulaic sequences and the semantic prosodies they express. The results indicate that formulaic sequences that were highly associated with prosodic information were likely unique to a particular learner and closely linked to that learner’s developing identity in the new language. Additionally, the same 3-4 word language formulas were used repeatedly in a given time period to express specific prosodies. However, the formulaic language used to express prosody changed over time with the learner’s development in language proficiency. This research suggests that formulaic language is an important means by which learners express prosody.